Reviews for What be True Love's Price?
Sci Fi Fan Gillian chapter 12 . 10/23/2004
Great chapter. I can't wait to read more.
misstweedledee chapter 12 . 10/21/2004

i just read the first 12 chapters of your story and i absolutly loves them.

but i might add that a cliff hanger like that is just mean !

i kept trying to pull down the page or move to the next chapter, i SO didnt see it ending there.

but at the same time i must say, bravo very good fic

Leanne :D
abcooper chapter 12 . 10/20/2004
aw... so sweet! I can't wait for the next chappie! I'm sorry you hurt your hand. :( I've got a sprained wrist right now, so I sympathize. You must be a very dedicated fanfic writer, :) I've given up until I can type w/ 2 hands again. :) Anyways, I totally love that song, I'd never heard it before. It's SO perfect for your story! I also love the part where Jack calls Cassie, and the scene between Jack and Jacob is hilarious. Your story is a great blend of pure SJ fluff and wicked humor. I'm definitely looking forward to chapter 13. Heehee... go Cassie!
Eruannelaviriel chapter 12 . 10/20/2004

If only he could do that in the show! THAT would make some VERY happy viewers! loved this chap, so keep it up!

-Eruannelaviriel of the House of Hanauer

PS- Thank you for your faithful reading of "The Ties that Bind". I think that you are probably the only one reading my work!
feb04 chapter 12 . 10/20/2004
what a proposal, really loved this chapter.

felt sad for daniel though.
CharmedAli chapter 12 . 10/20/2004
scream! OMG! he did it YAY! excitement, that is so sweet
sandjgirl chapter 12 . 10/19/2004
beautiful. and about the extortion, it sounded like you were unsure of doing it in the first place, and sounds like you won't be doing it again soon... all is good. don't worry about the mad lady jane, maybe she was on the rag or her kid just kicked her in the shin or something like that. we are all a bit *itc*y sometimes eh? its what we do on the other 4 days of the month that matter. ;-)
debcole chapter 12 . 10/19/2004
What a wonderful ending to this chapter! Can hardly wait to read the next chapter with Sam's answer (I think I know what it will be). :)

And you just keep writing like you have been doing. You are doing a fine job!
froggy0319 chapter 12 . 10/19/2004
Flames? How could you get flames for this fic? Glad to see you brush it off and another wonderful chapter! I was so wondering what was up with Jack in the beginning but by the end was totally in tears...please don't make me wait to long for her response :)
Sabella Black-Malfoy chapter 12 . 10/19/2004

-beta does freaky little victory dance-

YEA! Now to kill Pete...

-beta gets together group of pete haters-

-b4 she can try to exucute plan, evil communist orderlies come and shoot her with tranq guns-


-orderlies lead her to cushioned room, she tries to break out of her straightjacket-


soozy87 chapter 11 . 10/16/2004
LimeJuiceTub chapter 11 . 10/16/2004
Personally, I reckon it's slightly OOC for Jacob to totally crack his nut and explode, but who am I to argue with artistic liberalism. And I would like to know what exactly Jack does now he's resigned his commission and has left the SGC.
Sierra Gulf 1 chapter 11 . 10/15/2004
OMG this is so good! just make sure pete dies in the end, ok?

Jack& Sam should be together. NOT Sam& Pete.

And I'm soo glad that someone put it in a really good story. on my list of favorites this comes up as a tie with Meet The Parents.

THIS WAS REALLY GOOD! keep writing plese
Kathiena chapter 10 . 10/15/2004
hay. that kewl. wat gunna hapen
CharmedAli chapter 11 . 10/15/2004
sorry i didn't review earlier ff. net stuffed up 4 a little while
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