Reviews for Space Hanyou
Yume no Zencho chapter 7 . 9/28/2005
Wow lol. I have to admit I didn't think this story would be the next to get an update. I nearly forgot about it. I'm glad you're keepin up with it though. It's very awesome.
AShauni21 chapter 1 . 9/27/2005
I'm loving this!Please update a little quicker on this of my favorite of your stories and I absolutely love the writing style.
Inu no Miko chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
Awesome as ever! I'm so glad you updated this fic! Please hurry with the next chapter, I can't wait to find out what's gonna happen. Seriously, this story is so original and well-done.
ANIMEGAL310 chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
thank you! *cries uncontrollably* thank you! *blows nose* i am so thankful...*sigh*...

really good by the way.
Blonde-Existentialist chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
dude you decided to continue, or at least updated! YAY *does major happy dance*. Gotta say I'm very happy because I really was interested in where you would go with this, but thought after a year there really wasn't much hope for an update. So nice. gotta run but i'll send a detailed review email
dakyu chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
Very nice!

More please!

Astrid44 chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
That was a great chapter i've waited so it was worth it.

I hope Inuyasha kicks Spikes ass that was a cheap move.

Your loyal fan,

LukeShaehl chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
I usually don't read crossovers, but this one is very well written and interesting to boot.
Azmidia chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
Holy crap a new chapter. out of all the stories buried in my list of favorites im glad this is the one to be updated. I always loved this crossover more then any i have ever read. cowboy bebop and Inuyasha is a halarious mix, and you meshed them in such a great way. keep up the good work, looking forward to one day seeing what the attacker of the bebop really wants.
Nokomarie the Snake chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
Purposes seem a little clearer now. Thanks. What a very productive weekend you had to be sure.
GeshronTyler chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
Hey, Nifty! New chapter! Ok, so now we know Naraku does exist in this story (how could it be otherwise P), and he's as evil as ever. We also see that Inutaisho retains

his attitudes towards humans, and per chapter 6, that Sesshoumaru does as well. _ So, will you manage to bring

Tessaiga into the story as well? Maybe as Inuyasha's personal ship.

Can't wait to see how the CB gang deal with Aniki.
DEEP SERENITY chapter 7 . 9/26/2005
AH, very good, this is a interesting and orig plot, so glad to see you come back to it.

It's rare to find a good crossover period! and I never thought these two(some of my favs) would work but it does!
Guyute24 chapter 7 . 9/25/2005
Holy shit, you updated! Glad to see it, Wheezie-I thought you'd given up on this one. Nice job! I've never read a Cowboy Bebop/Inu crossover before, and I'm really enjoying this one. Keep up the good work, I'll be looking forward to more!
Qem chapter 7 . 9/25/2005
Woah. You like updated this story.

I'll have to re-read the chapters, but it still strikes me as being a good read. D
FrameofMind chapter 6 . 9/15/2005
"Just because you’re too paranoid to let anyone in doesn’t mean the rest of us are like that."

Hm...well if that isn't the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard Inuyasha say (and actually *believe*), I'll eat my friggin' hat. That statement is basically his personality in a nutshell.

Anyway, no offense, but I'm sorta glad this story didn't last. At this point everyone (mainly the Inuyasha people) is so out of character that it's lost all credibility. Inuyasha's lewd comments are way overstated, and really not funny anymore. I mean, I love Miroku and his lechery as much as the next person, and I've often seen Inuyasha written as a sexy badboy in such a way that (although it has him saying and doing things that he would never say/do in the canon) it works and even comes off as roguishly charming - but here he truly does sound like a complete and total pig, and I'm finding myself disliking him more and more with each word. That kind of thing only works if it's done in such a way that you know that deep down he's really a nice guy - but every time I start to think that good side is beginning to show, it turns out to be another ruse to try to rape one of the women. And it doesn't feel sexy - it feels invasive and offensive.

And speaking of the women, that's another issue. First of all, Kagome's coming off like some sort of Nazi. She actually reminds me more of the oft-invoked fan translation of Kikyo into the ‘evil ice queen’. I believe you actually used the word 'imperious' to describe her at one point. Plus, I'm getting very mixed signals with regards to the relationships developing among the characters. At times it seems like you're almost creating a Spike/Kagome, Inu/Faye sort of setup...but then again there also seems to be something between Inu and Kag. For god's sake, here at the end, not ten seconds after Inuyasha had been feeling up Faye (for the second time that day, I might add), there was a line that seemed to imply that Inuyasha was actually interested in Kagome. Exactly how horny *is* he, anyway? That thing about the duck is starting to look more and more probable...

(*sigh*) For awhile there I kept hoping that at some point, once all the Bebop people left the room for a moment, Inuyasha and Kagome would drop the act and go back to normal, turning out to be undercover agents or something, just pretending to be these oddly warped versions of themselves...but alas, no such luck...

(*grin*) Sorry if I was a bit harsh here - but seriously...I know you can do better than this...
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