Reviews for Colors of Life and Death: Book 1
Animeworld2.0 chapter 6 . 11/3/2024
Hello, I hope you're doing well!

This is "Fiction Life" YouTube channel, where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that loves listening to them. I recently came across your story and found it so captivating that I would love to share it with my subscribers.

Channel link: FictionLife-zl3oc

With your permission, I would be honored to create a video of your story. I will give full credit to you as the original author in the video description and provide a link back to your original work. Additionally, I will share the video link in the comments of your story so you can see it for yourself.

I genuinely believe your story deserves to reach an even wider audience. Our channel is supported by the community, allowing us to continue spreading great stories like yours to new fans. If you have any suggestions, such as a preferred "What If" title or any other changes you'd like, I'd be more than happy to accommodate them.

Please let me know if this would be okay with you. Thank you so much for considering my request, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,
Fiction Life..
Birdly The Reaper Of Souls chapter 37 . 9/10/2024
After 10 every thing gos down hill

And the summon plot... few chaps then
Birdly The Reaper Of Souls chapter 18 . 9/10/2024
If Sakura was kiled off in this fic i would not care at all... a bitch... that what she act like. ..
Ninja Jarvis chapter 8 . 7/9/2023
Ninja Jarvis chapter 5 . 7/9/2023
am I tripping or was his chakra always yellow
Ninja Jarvis chapter 3 . 7/9/2023
won't he reform cause his chakra isn't being destroyed
Ninja Jarvis chapter 1 . 7/9/2023
this flashback ist even over and it already set the mood
Kissmyass chapter 37 . 12/13/2022
Using bots for reviews. Pathetic. Kill yourself
321Uzu chapter 20 . 8/16/2022
that scene of naruto looking at hinata looks like the one in the last :0
Aedwards179 chapter 4 . 12/17/2021
imagine how many shadow clones he can make with the kyuubis near infinite chakra
ERSU.1 chapter 1 . 10/29/2021
I am… discussed…
Ginnymione.lily2 chapter 37 . 4/20/2021
Hello I love this fic do I have the right to translate it into French?
HurZysn chapter 18 . 12/2/2020
The clan would have never shared their secret technique... but it is what it is I guess interesting so I'll read it.
Spidersauce chapter 18 . 12/13/2019
And he just forgives her like she did nothing wrong. Like she didn't just violate him as much as could be done. Like she was justified in doing so. How it was his fault she felt she needed to rape him to get what she wanted, since he wouldn't have given it to her willingly.
While I know it's just my opinion and thus not worth much, this has ruined the story to me.
Spidersauce chapter 17 . 12/13/2019
They're letting Naruto blame himself? Sakura raped Naruto and they let him think it is his fault?
Sakura needs to be kicked from the shinobi forces if not outright arrested. She just assaulted a comrade and they dare to be worried for HER?
This disgusts me.
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