Reviews for Life as it is
Dust-in chapter 7 . 2/27/2005
Dust-in chapter 6 . 2/27/2005
Dust-in chapter 5 . 2/27/2005
Dust-in chapter 4 . 2/27/2005
Dust-in chapter 3 . 2/27/2005
Dust-in chapter 2 . 2/27/2005
Dust-in chapter 1 . 2/27/2005
Martrex chapter 8 . 2/27/2005
Fantastic, I liked the first person style... but the emotion! excellent! I like the way that NO one seems to know what Naru thinks... especially Naru!
Turbanator chapter 8 . 2/12/2005
This is one of those works of art that appears rarely in fanfiction. Accurately conveying hidden and long felt emotions between the characters is something people spend a lifetime trying to acheive, but you have done so in eight chapters.

The only thing I may have a slight problem about is the way Keitaro said that he did fantasise about one or two of the characters (and indeed, referring to them with regards to their large 'assets').

However, this is quickly forgotten as he immediately reverts to his old shy self once he comes face to face with them in reality, which I was happy to see. Characters haven't changed dramatically from the series, which is surprising given that it takes place 8 years later, but still gives a nostalgic feeling as we know how each person is inside, making it that more familiar to the readers.

Congratulations of writing such a well rounded fic, one that evokes emotion in me, which is a hard thing to do. I will keep an eye out for some of your other stories, even though it took me this long to see this gem. I hope you maintain this quality throughout your writings.
DCWestby chapter 8 . 12/8/2004
Man... talk about deep.. Extremely excellent writing.. very emotionally gripping too... good job
HinaGuy749 chapter 8 . 10/16/2004
Holy shit. Man has has it been a while since I reviewed something, damn near four weeks, well the reason is beause explorer isn't working on my computor and I'm forced to use my brother's and the ones at this coffe shop I go to that charges you $4 an hour for internet use. Not only has this kept me from reading and reviewing but also I just got some iinspiration for two more chapters for my first fic but have't been able to work on them because of the afore mentioned computor problems. Anyways I really wanted to review this fic alot so here it is.

I love this fic so much, the emotions were so real and you kept away from any real happines until the very end which I think would be insanely hard for me since I tend to get attached to the characters and get really depressed when something bad happens to them. Anyways keep up the awesome work and update soon. Oh no I don't think i can do it it's been so long, gotta...try... Peace w/ chicken grease! There I did it-_-
Dimitri Plabato of The Dark Icon Writers chapter 8 . 10/14/2004
Great just great. I'm sorry that I'm just reviewing but I printed it out and read it and it was so good that I had to come and do it for the last chapter. Never have I read a story that sent me through as many emotions as this, It made me laugh cry and feel heartbrake and I loved every minute of it. Thank you for writing this great work and I can't wait till the next one.
NefCanuck chapter 8 . 10/13/2004
Nice wrap up, even if the pairing isn't one I *like* you wrote it well and it was believeable... bravo
Liber Logaeth chapter 8 . 10/12/2004
A great final! It's a very amazing final. You've conduced to solve the situation between Naru X Keitaro and, suddenly, you gave a great solution for Motoko X Keitaro situation...

I think Keitaro/Naru a great couple, but I don't get closed for another possibilities, and the put together Keitaro/Motoko is a good choice. Motoko developed more than Naru during the series, and your tale is like a homage for Motoko increasings.

Good tale! Salute us with another good ones.
Saiyan God chapter 8 . 10/11/2004
Loved it. Well done. I especially liked the ending. I just wish you could have added at least a little tiny itsy bitsy miniscule lemon at the end. But hey, thanks anyways for writting this great story. You rock.
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