Guest chapter 14 . 12/5/2016
When's the next update?! I'm dying to read what's next!

No pressure, lol !
jessica harmon chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
seto/anzu all the way
Cherrie Rainbow chapter 14 . 10/14/2015
There goes an other cool unfinished story, what a shame
Ruby Miyano chapter 14 . 7/23/2015
plz update soon :)) i love it :))) seto x anzu :3
reader chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Ryo is just too adorable ugh! . he is the best out of all of them! (Tho i have to admit his yami is the sexiest out of all of them lol)
littlekaoruangel7 chapter 14 . 6/13/2014
Oh miss author I wish you would update this. It's such a cool story! :(
nini chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
wow is a great story ...i like it i vote BAKURA ANZU seto ryou
they all i like O
Kisara Alvarado chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Update soon the story Is Wonderful XD
Cindy M 19 chapter 14 . 1/28/2012
update soon, i love the history can have a little yugixanzu?
The Last Fallen Angel chapter 14 . 1/10/2012
This story is REALLY good. I hoe you eventually decide to pick it up again!
Ivory chapter 9 . 4/27/2011
I love Pro-Anzu stories that have this plot: marik/Malik wants to become pharaoh, wants to take away every thing the pharoah holds dear, develops an attachment/obsession for Anzu because she is the pharaoh's girlfriend and they want to take her away from the pharaoh, yugi is defeated by marik/Malik, yugi and allof his friends (except Anzu) are sent to shadow realm, Anzu is forced to be Malik/marik's queen, and in the end real feelings are made between them and Anzu is happy living as marik/malik's queen.

(I wrote marik/Malik because I've seen stories with this plot but sometimes it's normal malik who becomes pharaoh and other times it's yami Malik who becomes pharaoh.)
Ivory chapter 9 . 4/27/2011
I love Pro-Anzu stories that have this plot: marik/Malik wants to become pharaoh, wants to take away every thing the pharoah holds dear, develops an attachment/obsession for Anzu because she is the pharaoh's girlfriend and they want to take her away from the pharaoh, yugi is defeated by marik/Malik, yugi and allof his friends (except Anzu) are sent to shadow realm, Anzu is forced to be Malik/marik's queen, and in the end real feelings are made between them and Anzu is happy living as marik/malik's queen.

(I wrote marik/Malik because I've seen stories with this plot but sometimes it's normal malik who becomes pharaoh and other times it's yami Malik who becomes pharaoh.)
Ivory chapter 4 . 4/27/2011
I love the little bakura/Anzu scenes where he keeps trying to seduce her! Its hilarious and AWESOME! although I would rather have the end pairing be Seto/anzu
Questions chapter 14 . 12/23/2010
Wat the hell happened to Marik and Bakura? Where are they! I demand to know! Update or I'll have Gohan,pikachu, and inyasha attack you!

Gohan: wait wat?

Me:you herd me! Attack and force an update out of the riter!

Inyuasha:y should I? I have demons to kill.

Pikachu:pika pika pikachu!

Me:wat he just say?

Gohan:I think he said " omg, yugi's shorter than Vegeta! It must be an oppocalipse!"

Inyuaha and me together: HOLY CR*P UR RITE!

Vegeta:0-0...dam u all.
Wait a sec chapter 9 . 12/22/2010
Hey wat about a Marik/Anzu fic? He seems pretty obsessd about her. (also, how the hell did Marik get out of the shadow realm anyways?)
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