Reviews for Unforseen Occurrences
Kang21 chapter 1 . 5/27/2020
Absolutely wonderful!

Loved every aspect of it!

Loved the Janet/Jack relationship!

This was my favorite part...I feel like you captured the characters well...

"Doc..." Jack whispered and Janet pulled her head up to see what he wanted.

"What is it, Jack?"

"...Getting a little...personal...aren't you?"

If things weren't so serious, she would have laughed. "No more than usual, Jack." Even in pain, Jack O'Neill's main concern was always everyone else. His eyes were partially closed against the bright light, but a gleam of humor was clearly evident.
J.Stone chapter 5 . 3/17/2008
Oh man! That was great! Fantastic job! Thank you for sharing. Never enough Janet for my taste.

John Stone
smithcrafter chapter 5 . 6/12/2007
Jack just can't get a break, can he? Or, well, actually I guess thismhe kind ofgot too many breaks, didn't he? Good story.
Rinne chapter 5 . 5/24/2005
Very well written. One of the best of this sort of story.
xkawaiix chapter 5 . 2/25/2005
Please write more. The story is great!
Mikazuki Senshi chapter 5 . 10/7/2004
kawaii desu (it's cute)

i like it a lot

write more soon, ne?
GateSeeker2 chapter 3 . 9/24/2004
Yes - it sounds as if Keith and 'ol Doc Fraiser might make for a nice pairing - what do you think? Ok - I'm off to read more...
Sci Fi Fan Gillian chapter 5 . 9/23/2004
Good story.
Flatkatsi chapter 1 . 9/23/2004
Great story, but then you write nothing but great stories . It was a good Jack h/c to enjoy in my lunch hour.