Reviews for In Their Beginning
Perona chapter 7 . 10/4/2018
After almost a year of searching... I have found the series of fics that were my ultra favorite when I was little. A real trip down memory lane. Proves no matter what's been lost, it can be found again. Thank you so much for this beautiful fic.

Guest chapter 11 . 5/28/2017
Just in my heart
Guest chapter 11 . 12/9/2014
This is probably the best Lumiere and Babette Fanfiction I have read by far and I am glad to have found it! There were, quite often, times when I smiled while reading this.
Please continue writing!
Blue chapter 11 . 8/17/2013
I love love love your Lumiere and Babette fanfiction! Lumiere was my first crush and I still adore him! I used to always dress up as Babette too. Please could you possibly write one from the point of view of Lumiere when he first lays eyes on Babette?! :) x
chadchair chapter 11 . 1/30/2013
OK, WOW that story is brilliant!
Skilenelover chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
sweeneytoddgurl chapter 11 . 10/24/2010
This was really good! _
mrmistoffelees chapter 11 . 12/2/2008
Not a bad fic...great job!
MeadowLark4491 chapter 11 . 9/16/2008
Wow. I love it. Definitely going to go find the other parts of the saga.
Teddy chapter 1 . 1/18/2008
Hey! I'm in this play right now, and stumbled onto your fan haven for the costume pics, but then decided to check out the fanfic. Totally helped me get into my character! I love the depth you gave her!

I think your story is very, very good, but there are some edits that could spice up the beginning so that readers are drawn in a little more quickly. Basically, if you made a few quick cuts, the whole introduction would read just a little bit faster, a little more urgent, and I think it would really kick it to the next level.

I did some edits myself, just to give you an idea:

Chapter One

She had arrived the night before [CUT to the usual sounds one would hear from a village inn at late evening time. Clinking, clanging of different pots from the finished dinner, people rushing up to bed or staying around for drinks and chatter]. No one bothered to look up as she entered; there was no need to. Strangers were regulars at an inn, and hence [CHANGE “nothing” to “not”] worth [CHANGE “interrupting” to “the interruption of”] a sip or a word.

The innkeeper sat at a desk in a dimly lit corner of the room [CHANGE from comma to period - new sentence]. The young woman approached him noiselessly. [CUT There was no need to talk except for necessary information.]

He looked up impassively. “May I help you?”

“A room for tonight.”

He raised an eyebrow [CUT “and” to a comma, “looked” to “looking”] her over. “Very well.” He rose only to get a key, handing it to her as he sat back down. “Twenty francs.”

She handed him ten. “Half now, the rest tomorrow.”

He nodded. “Up the stairs, fourth door on the left; who is the room billed to?”

She pocketed the key. “First name Babette...that shall suffice.” She [CUT looked up at him, and] reassuringly answered his silent question, “You will have the other ten tomorrow, I assure you.”

Without even waiting for his response, Babette turned and walked to her room.

Locking the door, she placed her small bags under the bed; she had only a few valuables [CHANGE comma to semicolon]; no need for much of anything when one was born and bred [for] a servant’s life.

After changing quickly, [CHANGE from “Babette” to “she”] sat down in front of the tiny guest mirror and started brushing her short hair [insert comma] as if the little brush would take everything that happened [CUT previously] that day out of her mind. She only stopped a moment to gaze at her reflection distantly, remembering...


Yeah, that's it. I could maybe do some more editing ... if you like. But all in all very awesome! I read to the end, and I thought the whole barn-cuddling thing and the entrance of the lady as she went up to the castle was SO CLEVER! :o)
Your Oasis chapter 1 . 12/17/2007
I really loved this story, and my first BatB fic I read. Really good writing, hardly any mistakes but I was disappointed on how short it was. lol. Lumiere was always my fave character out of all the objects because he is just too funny and his sinister laugh when he tries to seduce a girl is hilarious!

Thanks to your story, I am now entering into yet another fandom. I am a new member of B&S so I hope you remember me.


Asahi the storyteller chapter 11 . 1/20/2006
Oh how sad darn old enchatress sure had bad timeing! oh well, we knew that the spell had to happen...guess it time to go to the next book huh?

A thouroughly pleased with your wonderfull story..

Asahi the storyteller chapter 10 . 1/20/2006
A sleigh ride, on a frosty evening with the man you love...*Sighs at the romantic image* Poor old Cogsworth, I think Lumiere will keep him on his toes more now than ever with disapering with a certian girl, LOL.

Asahi the storyteller chapter 9 . 1/20/2006
Until you consent to be mine, I am free as a bird to do as I wish; all you have to do is say yes."

“Which I will never do!”

Lumière took a deep breath. “God take pity on the man that weds you.”

LOL if that isn't the personification of being stubborn, I dont know what is :)

Asahi the storyteller chapter 8 . 1/20/2006
you know what they say, all is fair in love and war! and I'm so glad that you didn't forget Madame de la Grande Bouche! YAY! sorry, another fav, though she probably had the smallest role, oh well there are no small parts just small actors...

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