Reviews for A Waltz
Dasz chapter 1 . 2/11/2005
aw. i thought this was good! fluff it might be, but fluff well-written!
shadow61x chapter 1 . 11/15/2004
Perfect. Not really pathetic, more like... great! Liked it even if I don't really care for romance.

Lynn10 chapter 1 . 11/15/2004
I dunno, I thought it was nice. Fluff really isn't bad, when you don't take it to an extreme. Not pathetic at all, really. And if you _really_ didn't like what you wrote, why did you put it on your account? So, yeah.

The part I liked the best was when Misao told Aoshi to 'shut up and hold her.' That made me smile. Her character was perfect.

bohr-d chapter 1 . 11/15/2004
Aw...great story! I loved it!
bootleg chapter 1 . 11/14/2004
should have never existed? that's kinda harsh... haha. wow, you're really dishing these out! i would love to meet your muse. okay! criticism: 3rd para, line 2: use something other than"shed tears", kind of repetitive of 1st line. really long para: [lol] too many clauses! ugh, i have a problem with this too. second to last line: moolight used too much, diff. word please. love the next sentence. and i love Aoshi's dialogue! "does it not take two to waltz?" misao crying at the end is kind of out of place. before that, she seemed to have mustered up so much courage... so yea. second to last line: i think you should have cut out "this was very good, for both Aoshi and Misao." 'cause we know that already, as readers and watchers of the series. overall, not bad, not bad! sorry for all the uh, critiques. i'm feeling really criticalismic today. i think you should be criticizing my 'Mizerable' more, it sucks compared to this .O