Reviews for Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Riannya chapter 2 . 11/27/2004
::grin:: Great new chapter! I can't help but get caught up in your work!

Have fun at DW next week! Take your kids to Epcot. Most of them don't want to go at first, but trust me, they won't want to leave after you get them there, I worked in the Land for about 6 months, but make sure you check out Mission Space, its the best thing they have come out with in years! (Stay away from test track, long lines, breaks down. Just not worth it for the most part! :P )

Have fun, and if you head to Animal kingdom, find some Cast Members standing around at the start of the parade, you might be able to get your kids on a float with Mickey if you get to them early enough.

Until next time: Carpe Diem!

Good times, well wishes, and may the light always guide you home,


necara (.com)
Kaleena Mason chapter 2 . 11/27/2004
Brilliant Chapter. OH WOW I was almost crying. hm whats up with Dudley.
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