Reviews for Another Prisoner, Another Professor
Guest chapter 9 . 7/4/2024
I wanted that snake
Asria chapter 67 . 9/21/2023
Hello! I just found an old rec-list that I kept years ago. This fic was on it, and I thought I should share my notes that I wrote back when I read it (6-7 years ago?). I'm really bad at commenting, even though I've gotten better at it, so I probably didn't comment back then. I should re-read it soon!

"This is really good! Read all of it in one day... Made me ship Oliver/Percy, Harry/Cedric. Really, really good!"
canonsirius78 chapter 1 . 2/13/2023
please continue, it's so gooooooooooooooood!
Guest chapter 67 . 11/1/2022
I love how this story is going. I originally really just thought that it would be kind of the same as book 3, but it turns out to be so different that it’s so fascinating reading it. I love how percy and wood are together and how remus and sirius seem to be together in this story too. I hope harry finds out soon and I always hope you pick up this story soon too
Jane the Bee chapter 67 . 7/9/2022
I just HAD to give my favourite HP fic of all times a re-read this week! 3
Your characterisations are so on point, and reading this masterpiece really feels like reading an actual book by JKR!
I don't know if you still read comments on your fic or not, I just wanted to thank you for writing this and for sharing it with us It's greatly appreciated, and I catch myself thinking about the mystery and the foreshadowing a lot. Even if I will never find out what Sirius' mysterious illness is and what arrogant and reckless thing he did that caused it, I'm happy to have read this fic and I will continue to read it at least once a year until I can no longer use a PC (or until the internet ceases to exist, whichever comes first).

Sending you lots of love, I hope you are well.
Thank you so much for gifting this awesome fanfic to the community. 3
Lila chapter 67 . 6/10/2022
Wow, this story is so engaging and exiting! I’m on the edge of my seat!
So many plot lines that I am exited to see developed and solved- regulus, the letter , scabbers, Lupin/ Black, harry/Cedric, pansy, and many more!
This is such a cool story and I am super glad I stumbled upon it!
It sounds like you are doing really well, family and jobwise - I am really glad for you!
And I am thankful that you said you won’t abandon the story, because this is really one that I would love to read more of.
Meanwhile I wish you all the best and thank you for sharing this story with us!
IronHeart98 chapter 67 . 11/25/2021
I hope this doesn't come to sound weird or anything. I'm just creating an FFN account at this ungodly hour with the sole purpose of following this story!

Recently, I've asked for recommendations of fanfictions dealing with Sirius and Harry should they have had a more... say, happier relationship. This following a number of reasons concerning my internal bleeding and other things. And someone was kind enough to send me here, so here I am, and after two days of intense binging, I'm floored. I absolutely loved everything about this story. It's got smart conversation, it's got witty humour, it's got emotional bits. I'm incredibly surprised. I knew the premise was interesting from the start, which prompted my reading it altogether, but your writing is just so wonderful and so in tune to every character where everyone has got their distinct voice. And the story is just so intricately put together, it's mindboggling!

Particularly loved every bit of Sirius and Harry interacting. (Which, mission successful, I should think.) And they're just so happy together, planning their life as a family now, it's very heartwarming. And Sirius is all of a sudden such a dad, it's cute and wonderful. Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story and for sharing it with us unworthy people! I really hope that you continue to write it and surprise us as you've done so far. I tip my hat to you.
Lost chapter 67 . 6/21/2021
Please keep updating this! Its sooooooooooooooooooooooo good!
Moewe chapter 67 . 6/9/2021
Rereading this again. It's one of my favourite HP fics and I really hope to learn Sirius's secret one day.
JustADashOfMe chapter 67 . 4/10/2021
I've had this fic saved in my bookmarks since I was 14. I'm 20 now and still come back every so often to check up and see if there's been an update. I always loved reading authors notes and still remember reading the "sorry it took me so long to update - I had a baby". I freaked lmao

I hope you and your family are doing good! 3
Guest chapter 67 . 12/31/2020
Happy new year, Marauder! I've been checking this fic every couple months for a few years now and rereading it is one of my guilty pleasures. You are such a talented writer. Hope you and your family have a great year ahead :D
Jess chapter 67 . 12/21/2020
Patiently waiting for an update and checking back every few months.

All I want for Christmas is chapter 68 :)

Hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy
ComfortPancake chapter 33 . 11/26/2020
Sirius seems such a good teacher and even more so a good person.
Cococauldroncakes chapter 67 . 7/31/2020
This is so so amazing
Cococauldroncakes chapter 66 . 7/31/2020
Brilliant. Wonderful
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