Reviews for Happily Married
mariemelzeny271 chapter 17 . 11/10/2024
I guess I understood the causality loop.
As I understand Event A is a cause of Even B and Event B is the cause of Even A as well.
Look 16!ranma got sent to the future meanwhile 22!ranma got sent to the past.
22!ranma thought it was all a dream, thought not, stayed for days and the got back to her timeline.
16!ranma went to the future, met calm husband Ryoga, started to like him and their Sachiko but eventually had to go back to the past.
She got depressed, the man she liked in the future didn't like her in the past, she wanted to fulfill the promise, to stay with him willingly.
Because ranma got sent to the future, liked her future husband, she wanted to marry him ( Event A I guess ).
Because they eventually got married when the younger ranma got sent to the future, she wanted it to happen ( Event B I guess ).
It continues forever.
16!ranma will eventually be 22!ranma and get to normal again until death.
It's like different timelines but the same timeline at the same time at least that's what I think.
I hope I understood it.
Xeno chapter 7 . 11/3/2024
I don't know if you're still around but I absolutely need to know what became of the 3rd timeline that future Ranma left behind. Did a normal Ranma untouched by the events in future and past Ranma's timeline just fill the empty space? Kind of like it was the first incident that Ranma hit her head all over again after all? Maybe the future Ranma returned while the Ranma there also retained the future Ranma persona almost like she was duplicated? Or maybe the "Don't send her back" message was delivered causing a different sequence of events that ties in with that third timeline? Assuming the message got delivered of course because we see Ranma give it to Genma at the end the tell her dad she will talk to him about it later, which could be the conversation they were having in chapter 7 while dancing at her wedding. Considering the 3rd timeline past was so fun and enjoyable I just have a hard time thinking its only point was to tell a fun little story that didn't truly tie in with the rest unless meant to be a fun thing to talk about with her husband when Ranma made it back to 2004. I hope this doesn't seem like criticism cause I can't express how much I enjoyed this story. I started it at like 3am central time and read all the way to 9am with only a few small breaks here or there to eat, gush, or use the restroom. Completely kept me up. I even felt myself getting chills when the younger Ranma got sent to the past that she had come to hear about in stories instead of the past we had come to know through future Ranma. Really good story, thank you so much.
Benji chapter 17 . 9/20/2024
I could not stop reading oh my goosd
Ml chapter 17 . 8/20/2024
This was great, lots of love, phenomenal work
Anonymous chapter 17 . 1/27/2024
Loved it. That’s all I can say besides it was an amazing story.
Azure Sky Dance chapter 4 . 12/5/2023
I am completely lost in story and not in a good way. Plot is all over the place, there’s no differences between the two Ranma’s. There is no focus point in solving what happened, and did I mention I got lost in the story already?
RoxyArietis chapter 4 . 11/17/2023
Years after and this is still one of the funniest things I've ever read. That Kuno and Nabiki scene is beyong genius.
Inuyashagirl7 chapter 17 . 3/13/2023
Amazing story, I love it!
Caimano chapter 17 . 1/8/2023
Bella storia complimenti!
Mabelfruit chapter 17 . 11/29/2022
I really like this story, overall. Ranma and Ryoga's relationship was well done in both timelines, I think.

My main issue is your decision to send back the young Ranma back to a different timeline. It feels like that whole 1998 par of the story was pointless (even if that's not exactly the case). It just really rubbed me the wrong way that that whole half of the fic was thrown away. Even if you have some convoluted explanation for doing that with causality, this is fiction, after all; things don't need to make logical sense.

This from 2007 anyway lol so who cares. This was a lovely story 3
Caimano chapter 17 . 6/15/2022
irispapyrus chapter 17 . 5/1/2022
Genuinely one of the best fics in the fandom.
Smithback chapter 17 . 10/5/2021
This story was magnificent!

Interesting, well-written, and great, believable character development

I enjoyed it a lot it all

I loved this Kuno and Kasumi

I had to read more than once the parts in which the theories of time are explained, but I really enjoyed them as I find them well explained and interesting.

a detail ... how did Ranma know in 2004 the age of his daughter?

Anyway, thanks for such an incredible fic
buffmage chapter 17 . 8/21/2021
Loved it, thank you for sharing it
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2020
Absolutely freaking disgusting! The characters acting so Ooc (it being six years later aside), what is unforgivable is that you paired Ranma up with that loser Ryoga. Why always Ryoga? You should have kept her husband as Tatewaki... Him giving her flowers and taking her out on a date if she was married to Ryoga made no sense otherwise.
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