Reviews for A MomoRyo Christmas
Strawberryjubilee chapter 1 . 2/27/2006
Sweet one, Kagome-chan.. I enjoyed reading it.. )
Renn chapter 1 . 9/13/2005
Sweet! I feel christmasy now...sigh...loved it! And it's probably the one fic I've read with Ryoma actually using Momo's name, so that's really cool! And a lot more realistic! Great job!
Thyphy chapter 1 . 4/21/2005
we it was so cute . Momoryo's so cute!

Write more about them!

AKRY chapter 1 . 3/16/2005
Good story~ The way you described the pair is so sweet~ Loved it~ XD Also, thank you very much for reading my fic XP hope the new chapter doesn't cause you to freak out or anything P
Tora Macaw chapter 1 . 1/27/2005
You know, I'm kind of honored to see part of my own writing in this fic..I guess you really enjoyed it! This was very nice. A few little spelling mistakes here and there, but heck, I do it myself and we are only human!
Statuess chapter 2 . 12/30/2004
Well, I wouldn't mind beta-ing the first chapter of ths fic' if you like but I probably wouldn't want to do it all the time (If you would like me to, email me.). I think that maybe you should have said "issho" instead of "together" on Momo's gift, if you are going to use Japanese. Also, in one part, it said that it was summer and it mentioned crickets (Which would, of course, make sence if it was summer, but not winter.), which was kinda' confusing.

Apart from that and the gramatical errors that the other reviewers mentioned, I enjoyed your writing and would happily read any furture chapters.


Chibi Kitsune/Shade25
DogsruleW chapter 2 . 12/30/2004
I wanna be a beta! I've never been one before...but I'd like to help!
KagomeGirl021 chapter 1 . 12/28/2004
*sigh* i know it sux its only my first PoT fic so i hope its ok. i will try harder to make it better. i will use word instead of notepad. gomen! thanks fot the notes
akari-hayashi chapter 1 . 12/28/2004
It's a nice story but I agree with the previous reviewer. There are too many grammatical mistakes and that make the fic difficult to read. I am not a perfect writer but please try to standardize the way you write. Maybe you can get a beta to help? And maybe it's just me, but I find some of the parts familiar... like they appear in other fics before.
Syuzu chapter 1 . 12/27/2004
Koyuki: Hm, well, the concept is well done, and it's cute, but there are too many grammatical and typing errors. ; It's kinda hard to read. When you write fanfics, you have to do it properly, in everyway. And some of the Japanese word inserts are not correct, su~ oO;; Mada mada da ne translates into, as most people use: "You've still got a ways to go.", at least, that's what the manga translates into.

Ganbatte, desu. You've got the creativity and the inspiration. Work on your organization and hope to hear more from you!