Reviews for Twin Flames
bima chapter 12 . 6/3/2005

OMG an update!

An update after two months!

please post more SOON
mela chapter 12 . 6/3/2005
thank u!thank u!thank u!i love it!i love it!i love it!I LOVE IT!please update again soon!
RiddicksFoxyLady chapter 12 . 6/3/2005
I LOVE it! I can't wait till you update!
Foxykirby chapter 12 . 6/3/2005
But... wat about Alex? :( great story, where are they going? tel me. write more soon plz
shamrock920 chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
I really love your story - especially the sex-ed crash course. It was awesome how you made Jack so jittery about moving into society but she gets the hang of it pretty quickly.

Excited for the next chapter!
DarKagome chapter 1 . 6/2/2005
This is a really great story. You keep the characters acting like themselves. I can't wait for the next chapter.
crematoriacon chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
Very good,i cant wait to see where your going with this. Keep up the good work,i see Jack heading in an interesting direction. You could maybe give us a little more insight into what Riddick is thinking,like when he is talking to himself in his mind.
mk515 chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
its a change, not a big one, but a change. its an interesting direction.
FitMama chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
Glad to see an update. This was a good chapter showing Jack starting to have a normal life but willing to give it up in a heartbeat to stay with Riddick. Keep it coming please.
Audacia chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
Good story. I'm glad that Jack is growing up a little. I hope you update again soon!
mrs.tweet chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
YAY! An update! I agree, not quite sure where you're going with this spin-out chapter. But it's good. However, this doesn't seem to be Riddick in character...or Jack. In this chapter it looks like you're losing them. :) Just some happy remarks, it was still AN EXCELLENT CHAPTER to an EXCELLENT story.

FluidDegree chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
Aw poor Jack she had to leave Alex. I feel bad for her,but at least she gets to be with Riddick. Hope you update lsoon.
appleviolet chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
m im lovin it.

please please please update addicted
BadBoyLover chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
Thanks for the update! Oh...I can't wait to see what's going to happen to them next...
Social control chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
*crys* my goshness ive waited very very very...very long...for and update... *kisses writers feet* thanku...but i have to say not ur best, but im just so happy to have a chapter...twas enough to help me sleep at night.. keep have a little writers block dont you? thats why its taken so long.. just go with the flow..shall be waiting for the nxt chappie. faithful fan!
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