Reviews for Twin Flames
shalliin chapter 20 . 6/6/2018
My last review in 2013 was a req to continue, and a reminder that at that time it had been 8yrs since an update was made to the story. Here we are now, 5 years later and getting more. Almost makes me want to get back into my own writting, if I were still able to.
shall-iin chapter 18 . 6/6/2018
i am so glad to finally see this getting continued. been waiting eagerly for years. just sad that I had given up and deleted it from update list. now readding it for hopefully more if it's not complete yet. thank you.
BettyQ chapter 23 . 5/29/2018
Epic and wonderful. Can hardly wait to read more.
kendertaunt chapter 23 . 5/29/2018
I just love this. The girls... so strong. And you’ve got their characters down so perfectly! I just had to comment and let you know that I’m a faithful follower and enjoying this so much. Great job!
Catching up chapter 22 . 5/26/2018
Catching up with the last couple of chapters! Been Loving everything, happy for the reunion and I can’t wait to read more!
tmrzygmunt chapter 21 . 5/24/2018
Oh My God! This keeps getting better and better, please give me more, I need to know how it ends!?
badbunny1818 chapter 20 . 5/23/2018
Fantastically done chapter there I love the time skip without it being heavy on it. The changing name was not noticeable till you pointed out lol but I can be pretty bad with those details. All I know is I love it it is always really difficult with Riddick fanfiction to how are they going to meet up and all that good stuff and really set up the stage for that and I'm so excited about reading the next chapter. Ship looks like it's hitting the fan and I am so excited to Bear witness it keep up the great work.
Im so spoiled chapter 18 . 5/16/2018
Ugh I love Hard, possibly jealous?, Riddick and Softy Riddick! Thank you!
Yay chapter 17 . 5/13/2018
Always a good day when I see an email announcing a new chapter. I love seeing a softer side Riddick and it still feel in character. Great progression!
Love it chapter 16 . 5/11/2018
Excited to see the continued progression. Damn Imam though! Putting a target on their backs. Can’t wait to see the continued progress of R/J. So good!
badbunny1818 chapter 15 . 5/8/2018
I'm so ecstatic to see you continue this story. I have had this story sitting in my favorite in anticipation of your return and to see you provide a phenomenal last few chapter has brought me unbelievable joy thank you for continuing. Being an adult now reading this story is crazy I can say without a doubt your writing transitions well between younger and older audience. Can't wait for your next chapter I know you'll kill it.
WorshipperWarrior chapter 15 . 5/8/2018
Wow, you're updating quick! Another good chapter, with nicely played out elements of Jack discovering hormones. Lol. Slightly confused about something though. In the first chapter of this story, Jack talks about training with a knife right from the start, mentioning her developing callouses from handling the blade. And in this chapter, they're using foam knifes and she's learning to stab and slice? A little confused...
Guest chapter 15 . 5/8/2018
Thank you for another great chapter! Can’t wait to see the rest of there journey, hope we see imam eventually to see if it was a mistake. Especially loved all the T/J interactions.
So good chapter 14 . 5/6/2018
Another great addition, can’t wait to find out what’s going on!
hellkeeper6 chapter 14 . 5/5/2018
I love it when a great story gets updated after being unfinished for so long. Please continue it and give us a good ending (after alot of chapters).
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