Reviews for Rosemary For Remembrance
sasuke-for-hinata chapter 13 . 4/21/2012
that was so beautifully written. I have to be honest it was disturbing and at times uncomfortable but it was necessary to get that bittersweet reunion at the end. I actually do not like sasu/Naru pairing not because it's same sex but because it taints that bond of friendship (hope people understand i mean no offence it just how i feel). Anyways overall i love your story.
lavenderbunny888 chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
this is really beautiful, your ideas , symbolism, and style are very descriptive and amazing!

I really really like it!
Ms. Amateur chapter 2 . 2/15/2012
good writing.
Ms. Amateur chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
i loved it and you're writing style was really good.
Psych0h0l1c chapter 10 . 2/7/2012
But... Aren't they cousins? Why would they be- you know?
Sepsis chapter 13 . 1/28/2012
Oh god.. This It was very sad and sometimes depressing. but how you wrote the characters and their thoughts and feelings.. Just wow. :) That was great!
beauty7within chapter 13 . 12/1/2011
the tone of your piece is nostalgic and sad, and made me cry in some point, in that way it is effective and well-written. you have surprising twists (that Hinata married Naruto, that Hiashi was not completely the hard,cruel father, that Sasuke pretended to be Naruto to have Hinata, etc.) and even more so astonishing that i do not really find it dark. it is pondering on each character and i can feel your omniscience as a narrator. thank you. ;)
anonymous chapter 13 . 11/26/2011
my heart shattered as i was reading this. i'm so emotionally drained right now-it was so beautiful and real and poignant and powerful. Everything about it was...there's no words to describe. It was well written and lovely and profound-it was about life and living and learning and love and it was gorgeous.

i can not thank you enough for writing this gem.
Joja-Lee chapter 13 . 11/26/2011
I love it. I loved it all. This is amazing, so beautifully written,I'm definitely recommending this to other NejiHina shippers. :) I can't get over this, it just ended so perfectly perfect! L O V E
chiichoo chapter 13 . 11/19/2011
One of the best I've ever read. It's very different from all the others and, although it's been filled with tragedy to the end, it didn't have to end so sad. Great play with words and the story was well-thought. Cheers!
LM22102 chapter 13 . 11/2/2011
Aw. Yay, I'm glad this became a happy ending. Honestly, I like stories like this. Specifically the drastically loyal Neji to Hinata-hime. It's beautiful in a rare tragic way.
LM22102 chapter 10 . 11/2/2011
I've read insane Neji, crazy Neji, insanely crazy devoted Neji .. but damn, that was just plain depressing. Hanabi forcing him to do that .. Bah. It almost makes me want to abandon the rest of the story because I just felt so heartbroken for him. Boo.
GalanthaDreams chapter 13 . 9/2/2011
Your story is the answer to a perfect night.
Tina chapter 13 . 8/22/2011
I've always felt the best sex scenes are the ones that aren't really there. At the end of this chapter, when you described Neji kissing Hinata, I felt like that was the moment we had been waiting for. Thank you for your amazing style of writing, the clear themes, the flowers, herbs, seals, cages, and most of all, the tears. :)
ReflectedGrace chapter 13 . 8/4/2011
Oh my gosh. I don't even think I could write down how amazingly well-written this fic is...except wow.

I clicked the review button because I HAD to tell you: Thank you for letting Hinata cry. Oh my gosh. That symbol really hit me in the gut when I read it. She was the perfect symbol of her mother, and then she didn't have to be, and that is beautiful.

Thank you so much for showing the release from all of the twisting messed-upness of the Hyuga clan and it's evil ways.

Thank you for letting such a angsty, dark story end so happily and with such release. (although I personally would have LOVED a teeny bit more elaboration on the happy ending. :-)

Thankyouthankyou for just your efforts and how well the characters were written, even the villians you vcould understand their motivations.
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