Reviews for Rosemary For Remembrance
OstaraNight chapter 1 . 12/13/2018
This was greatI had to do a bit of searching on livejournal to find the unedited chapters, which I think were worth itshove the links in the bio no longer seem to work. I think they could actually be added here, as I've read more graphic ones. (I think the standards have been loosened or people just don't get caught.)

But it was a beautiful story and wonderfully written. *heart*
DAngel7 chapter 13 . 12/10/2018
That was emotionally overwhelming but the ending made up for all the heartache. That was emotionally overwhelming but the ending made up for all the heartache. Thank you! you!
DAngel7 chapter 12 . 12/10/2018
Okay that ending was absolutely perfect finish for Hanabi. I hope the epilogue brings at least a ray of light and happiness for Neji and Hinata
DAngel7 chapter 11 . 12/10/2018
This affair is hard to swallow, especially since it's with Sasuke. I'm some twisted way I kind of enjoyed that Neji turned Hinata away.. even if she doesn't know it's because he loves her he did it, I enjoyed it because Hinata is unfair to him. And she looked so pathetic and weak when she defended and denied her sisters evilness even if her cousin begged her for help.
DAngel7 chapter 10 . 12/10/2018
That scene... that scene where Hanabi forces/silently thretenes Neji to sleep with her, is so infuriatingly memorable that I remembered - I've read this story before! But it was this scene that sparkled my memory of it. And I do not remember how it ended... but I hope Neji's words are true- and Hanabi does die carrying an heir! Goes to hell!
Neji.. I love him so much, I hope he finds the happiness with Hinata, they both need each other. Naruto also pissed me off!
DAngel7 chapter 9 . 12/10/2018
Okay I'm discovering that this story is emotionally heavy. Hanabi is so cold blooded I'm getting chills, and Hinata's future just seems bleak. I worry for them all now that Hanabi is head, especially Neji.
DAngel7 chapter 8 . 12/10/2018
Hanabi is seriously.. she needs to be put in place before it's too late. I didn't understand what Hinata saw in Neji's eyes at the end (I guess it was something symbolic or important).. I have no idea where you'll go with this story, I can't predict it at all and I am slightly excited about that.
DAngel7 chapter 7 . 12/10/2018
Yes, you never stop to surprise me... This wedding for example! It feels like it subtly broke Neji's heart (if I've been reading what I think are the hints for it right).
Now is my NejiHina impossible?
DAngel7 chapter 6 . 12/10/2018
I really marvel at how well you can portray the emotions through a chapter.. This one was a fine example of it, it felt heavy...
DAngel7 chapter 5 . 12/10/2018
I like your twist to the original Naruto storyline.. NaruHina's unsurprising early romance is one of them (but I am still rooting for NejiHina to happen).
I have really strong feelings against cheating, so I found myself secretly wishing Hanabi gets revenge for her mother.. and how symbolic would it be that Nori woman's body to be found in the river on the wild South side (I beg you!) I really would like to see Hiashi's reaction then.
Oh, and I feel like you hinted that Hinata's mother could of been in love with Hizashi but you never confirmed it...
DAngel7 chapter 4 . 12/10/2018
Is it just me or are there subtle hints of Neji's developing feelings for Hinata? When he suddenly stiffened as he saw the obvious display of Hinata's feelings for Naruto...
Also, I do not like Hanabi in your story.. I was so angry at her when she went to her father to rattle Hinata to get her in trouble and make herself look better, instead of just using and showing her skill when she battles her... and the way she talks to Hinata. I don't feel sister love from her...
DAngel7 chapter 3 . 12/9/2018
hmm Hanabi seems a bit cold and manipulative in this story, I think I prefer the cheeky girl who loves her sister, but it's probably needed for this story's plot. I would love to see more of Neji and his interactions with Hinata.
DAngel7 chapter 2 . 12/9/2018
I like that you are somewhat keeping to the original story yet you are creating your own intake on it. I have always been curious to know more about Hyuuga and sadly they never went into their story too much.
I still can't get over your intake on Hiashi and Himiko as loveless relationship (when in the anime/manga I am sure it was hinted the oposite) yet I guess it is necessary for the heavy emotions and set of this story.
DAngel7 chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
The relationship between Hinata's father and mother was very painful to shallow, even though they didn't really have an interaction and was shown through advice and Hinata's view. It was heartbreaking.
I wonder how you'll develop NejiHina and I dearly hope it's won't be as heartbreaking.
softneji chapter 13 . 11/12/2018
stumbled upon this after already reading it more than a year ago, but it still brings me the same joy as the first time i read it. you write so beautifully. this story was so beautifully tragic. thank you.
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