Reviews for Rosemary For Remembrance
cancelled1235 chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
well, it's just been too long since I've read anything new. I adored this. I love the tone of it and of course Neji's view of Hyuuga. The way you showed their families, and the difficulty in belonging to both.

Ready for the next chapter!
Bittersweet Mika chapter 1 . 1/13/2005
Wonderful, truly wonderful. Can't wait to read more.
Slam Shuffle chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
Uwah!~ That was beautiful and wonderfully poetic. I can't wait for an update. XD;
pretty cherry chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
please continue, i like this very much.


pretty cherry.
cheer chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
i really liked the way you portrayed both of them..they're not out of character at all but u managed to add a certain depth to them.. i hope it's Hina/Neji, i really like the pairing..even if it isnt..this promises to be a great read ) i cant find anything bad to say bout your story or your writing skills so far..great job n PLS update asap!
Random person chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
This is a beautifully written fic. Himiko's sad explanations were quite moving, especially the parts she did not speak out, and I think she did a good job in conveying the hardships that a Hyuuga woman must endure. The dove was a nice addition as well (heh, dove, bird, caged bird, dead bird, was it on purpose?). Ths contrast between Hinata's vision of her mother's garden and the Gardener's description ("Himiko's useless plants") was nice as well, once I noticed it.

And finally, the sentence before the last was really moving. It really does a good job to show the rift between the two children and ex-friends. *sniff*

Write on!
Sailor Comet chapter 1 . 1/11/2005
My god that was good.

Hinata's nature at twelve years old certainly makes sense if she grew up in such a fearful environment. The manga gives some glimpses into the Hyuuga life, but you've fleshed it out and made it so much more hopeless.

Great writing.

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