Reviews for The Star Gate Murders
kahless21 chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
Yay still a great story even years later.
Saissa chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
Gosh, what a LONG story - but very well written.

I do have just 2 comments to make.

1 - Harmon Rabb is a vegetarian - this was established by JAG TV canon. He would NEVER order Spare ribs to eat. Sarah MacKenzie, maybe, but never Harm.

2 - Stargate TV canon say that Senator Kinsey's first name is Robert, not Joshua.
carick of hunter moon chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
You are a good writer your stories just get better and better you have great potential as a story teller. I can tell this by reading your work. I know what good writing is when I see it, as I read a lot of books and own well over a 1000 book this story keep me up way past my bed time as I could not put it down when you read a book from cover to cover and still want more that to me is a mark of a very good story
Bladeswin chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
Cool story. If only you had written more...
pstibbons chapter 1 . 4/15/2009
Good story.

Best line: Opening her eyes she said, "If you hit it at eighty-five in third gear, you will clear it no problem."

(I have no idea if that sort of thing could actually be calculated the way Sam was doing it, but anyway, it was a great statement of trust in her twin brother instead of telling him he was crazy like all the others around them.)

I was rather disappointed by the lack of conversation between Daniel and Jake. Would have liked to see his reaction to the twin moments between Night and Day.

And how did Kinsey get a knife to cut himself with?

Jacob seemed to get forgiven too fast.

Would have thought that the Turellis - and especially Jake's wife - would have taken far longer to forgive Sam and Jacob than Jake did.

Nice fic, despite the hyperbole. But not as good as its prequel, which was a Great fic.

PS: What happened to the linguist that Annie was dating?
rankokunalpha1 chapter 1 . 12/8/2005
god i loved it it was fantastic cant wait to read the next one!
FORD B chapter 1 . 6/23/2005
Truly impressive wrote story.
FuFuMira chapter 1 . 6/16/2005
Great story! I love the twin thing and I was totally in suspense about if they would figure it out in time... I loved the way that you solved the problems in the world... Like the Tok'ra and Kinsey. I hated Kinsey. I'm not fond of the Tok'ra all that much either. I like that you used the brilliant comedy of Bill Cosby and Regan.. I'm even happier that you gave them excellent credit. :D I would love to see more of this universe... Especially the Tanaka family and the Carter/Turelli gang. A truly formidable group there.
The Sithspawn chapter 1 . 6/9/2005
Great sequel! Just as good as your first one, can't wait to read more!
sophiedb chapter 1 . 5/26/2005
another fantastic story :)

I guess the only questions I'm left with are: does Josie know about Cassie being an alien yet (or anythng else about the SGC's real purpose) and will Jake ever find out about his dad's passenger?

Either way, thanks for sharing!
neda chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
I haven't even read this yet and I'm excited. If it's even half as good as Suicide Squad I know it's gonna be great! Off to read now.
Magda1 chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
I love both your stories and am thrilled to hear you are thinking of writing more...uickly please!