Reviews for For the Love of the Lord of the White Tree
Nurayy chapter 16 . 7/9/2021
I love seeing Aragorn as a ranger again!
Nurayy chapter 15 . 7/8/2021
I saw that you said some people think Aragorn at fault and others Legolas. I can feel the hurt of both of them. It is a complex situation of change, of duty, of danger... And they are driven by a turmoil of feelings - care, love, fear, guilt... the whole bouquet - you are showing those feelings so strong and vivid. I could not decide who should be at fault - both and none.
What is clear is that it resultet in clashes between them in the past chapters. And I love those conficts; they make the story interesting, they bring forth such intense emotions.
I love Arwen, she is such a steadying anchor in Aragorn's turmoils, and also a good friend to Legolas, helping and soothing. She is so important.
You drove the suspense out so nicely, even if I knew, because I read before, I was waiting on needles for it to be revealed, and observe the reactions. I don't remember anymore exactly what will come. I'm suffering with Aragorn, and fearing for Legolas.
Nurayy chapter 11 . 7/6/2021
I'm reading on, albeit slowly. I will re-read this story to the end. I want to relive the experience I had when I read it the first time. I'm looking forward to rediscover this tale of friendship.
I love how you write gentle, understanding Faramir, and patient, loving Arwen. They are such a support.
Nurayy chapter 10 . 7/1/2021
Oh, I remember this scene, I remember it so well! I had never forgotten it. Legolas riding away, not turning back, and Aragorn's heart shattering. The feels of guilt on both sides, and the hurt. My emotions... And I know there will be more, much more.
Nurayy chapter 6 . 7/1/2021
I've started reading this story again, that I read years ago, before I even had an account here, and has been very inspiring to me. I like now to go on this journey a second time.
I loved your first chapters filled with memories of friendship and the emotions tinged with insecurity and and fear of loss of something so precious. A sadness lingering. So difficult is the change that comes with the duty and the weight of being King.
I adored Legolas' interactions with Eldarion, absolutely sweet.
And the tension is building...
Masherchik chapter 38 . 4/18/2021
Oh...these last chapters...I don’t how I’ll be able to get trough to the end. It’s so sad to read about the elves sail to Valinor. If Legolas sailed away, Aragorn would be devastated the same as would be any other person who lost their beloved one.
pessimisticvirtuoso chapter 42 . 1/22/2021
The summary is not enough to describe this. This is one of those stories that you kinda have to put down (or close out of) and just feel for a bit after you finish.
Minnie1015 chapter 43 . 1/14/2021
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your passion with us. I will read it over and over again.
Cloudyday19 chapter 43 . 1/14/2021
This was a very wonderful and emotional story. The last few chapters made me cry. Well done.
FreeFall737 chapter 42 . 11/6/2020
This is such a beautiful story, and you do an excellent job at portraying their friendship. I came across this story years ago, not long after you finished it and just came back recently to re-read it. Once again you’ve made me both laugh aloud and sob uncontrollably. Hannon le for such a wonderfully written story!
Bigpattern chapter 42 . 11/4/2020
Sorry I meant tale of love.
It is a truly beautiful one.
Bigpattern chapter 42 . 11/4/2020
You have left me a blubbering mess *sob* but my heart is full. Thank you for this take of love.
Guest chapter 43 . 10/3/2020
Incredibly well-written story ( I credit all of my potential future achievements in essay writing to you ) which so accurately portrayed the strength, intensity and depth of the bond between Aragorn and Legolas which endured past death. I enjoyed this story very much and offer my heartfelt thanks to the author. Your plot was wonderfully developed and your mastery of writing immaculate ; please continue writing fanfictions.
Gwen chapter 42 . 10/2/2020
I decided to read this story after seeing your comment on Nightwing's To See a World, in which you mentioned you were inspired by her portrayal of the friendship. I am happy to think of this as a sequel to that story. Legolas got his eyesight back somehow, and he and Aragorn ended up here. This was a very beautiful story, and beautifully told. It was worth my time to read it. I admit it leaves me longing to feel such great love for a friend. I have always been a bit standoffish, even to my friends - perhaps putting more weight on the potential for loss than the potential for joy. Your story inspires me to focus more on the joy than the pain. Thank you for that. Our lives are so short in comparison - we will never be blessed with friendships lasting ~200 years - but I will endeavor to cultivate what friendships I do have with the great sincerity and love your characters embody. All best to you in 2020. Hope you have continued writing and developing your talent.
SkellingtonPaws7 chapter 42 . 7/4/2020
An incredibly beautiful story. I appreciate that though Aragorn was hurtful to Legolas at times, he was never the bad guy, and that he always regretted his actions afterwards. There are so many moments I could cite (the last chapter nearly had me bawling) but one of my favorites was the 10 years comparison between Legolas and Sarambaq. Ten years of dwelling on a hurt, Sarambaq has nothing but hate, but Legolas has nothing but love. Wonderful job. I enjoyed reading it immensely.
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