Reviews for Fraternité
Guest chapter 42 . 10/17/2022
This was amazing! A great mixture of romance and intrigue! I am a major Erik/Christine shipper and I don’t usually mind Raoul-bashing, but it was nice change to see an honorable Raoul. I have to say I was disappointed in the OC death. I was hoping that the relationship that was hinted at would be further developed. Now I want to go back and look at the stories you recommended and at other stories you’ve written. Thank you for a very enjoyable story and the detailed history lesson!
SuperSecretSummer chapter 1 . 7/6/2022
This is such an incredible story, I absolutely ADORED the epilogue. And what a fun walk through Phantom history to see something written so soon after the movie came out. I don’t know if the author is still checking on the comments after all this time, but if so, thank you for writing one of the best Phantom stories I’ve read, I hope you’ve written lots more and found joy in doing so!
SuperSecretSummer chapter 42 . 7/6/2022
This is an incredible story, I’m so happy I found it.
Chelsbug0 chapter 1 . 6/19/2022
Possibly the best Phantom fiction I’ve ever stumbled upon 16 years later. I could not put this story down! Amazing work and thank you from a huge Phan!
attendezalacreme chapter 42 . 2/2/2022
Wow...I originally read this fic 15 years ago, and after seeing Phantom again on Broadway, wanted to revisit. Well, I devoured the entire thing in under 24 hours. In fact, it's even better than I had remembered. I'm in awe of what you've achieved here: character, plot, period detail, the beauty of your prose. As far as I'm concerned, Fraternite is as canon as Leroux or Lloyd Webber. Thank you.
Maxypuz chapter 20 . 10/10/2021
AAAAAHHHHHHHH. I love Erik and his humor.
Teen545 chapter 42 . 8/24/2021
This was a really great story/adventure! Love the main characters and their relationships and interactions with each other! And of course, especially, E/C and their little family! Thank you!
Lily chapter 22 . 5/1/2021
Please, please write a book. You are incredibly talented. Fanfic is a bit of a taboo in the authorial industry, but take it from me - I've worked in its circles going on ten years.
You've got what it takes. I can see the evolution of your prose from the first chapter, to this. You will only get stronger. Please write a book. You've moved me to tears twice (honestly, bless Raoul and your characterisation of him - and that limbo scene! ahhh I'm misty-eyed just thinking of it). I cannot stress this enough: don't ever doubt your grasp of literary art.
There are a few technical decisions you make that wouldn't fly in the publishing world, but they're the sort of thing that everyone does until they've been pointed out (head-hopping is one, and an over-use of adverbs - but already you seem to have evened out the latter quite nicely now that the story has hit a rhythm). Honestly I've only bothered to give you a little criticism at all so that you might believe my compliments. I'm genuinely enthralled by this story.
PLEASE write a book.
Sophia chapter 42 . 11/17/2020
Dude i love this story!
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 1 . 9/27/2020
Hmmmm, very interesting...
toscanamarcela chapter 42 . 9/21/2020
This story is amazing! Beautifully written with an awesome plot. I love it!
Aphaea21 chapter 42 . 9/8/2020
WOW. Absolutely wonderful. One of the best Fanfics on here, such a fantastic, gripping story and believable character development. I have thoroughly enjoyed this superbly written story. This is one I will no doubt come back to re-read in the future, too. Also loved your idea of sharing favourite stories at the end of chapters - some great tips! Thank you so much for sharing your work.
Batty Dings chapter 42 . 8/5/2020
Good God.
I have just reached the end of this absolutely glorious work of written word.
This is undoubtedly a LABOUR OF LOVE.
The story was sweeping, moving, tumultuous. It left this reader on their proverbial toes, never knowing what was going to happen next, what big surprise was around the corner.
You truly did your research for this piece and it shows! Every setting that you placed your characters in was authentic and believable. You submerged the reader so thoroughly in different cities and cultures that it feels almost like non-fiction!
The You truly did them justice. What a bold, beautiful, daring, strong and badass Christine you have created here. What a remarkable Erik, full of all the flaws but still the great capacity for growth.
How eloquently you wove ALW, Kay and Leroux! You even managed to make reference to the Shade, one of Leroux's most mysterious of characters.
I'm gushing, there is so much I want to say, but fear that if I do I'll spoil it for readers (I hate when people give away spoilers in the reviews).

So much work went into this, the story just falls into place like a complicated jigsaw puzzle. You truly managed to write a complex plot line while tying up all loose ends in a manner that didn't feel rushed or saccharine sweet and cheesy.

Just . .
Thank you for adding this epic work to the phiction world!
mariposa noir chapter 42 . 7/29/2020
Without a doubt, this has been one of the best stories I have read on this site.
The way in which you intertwined the versions of Leroux, Kay and Webber was done with intelligence, managing to trace a credible rhythm using the necessary background.
It is very satisfying to read content where you can understand that Christine's love for Raoul and Erik is beautiful in her own way, being that while most people have a soul mate, Christine has the joy of having two.
On the other hand, the mystery, action and romance that you forged was masterfully developed and I must congratulate you for the great research that you carry out to put amazing historical details and descriptions of where the protagonists travel.
I have nothing more to say, good job!
muguetmuse chapter 42 . 7/28/2020
goddamn it's 6am and I'm delirious. but I shall try to articulate. this was such a wonderful, well-researched, well-written, well-developed, well everything that I can hardly fathom that I have finished this. I'm so empty now! all descriptions of the changing settings, the suspense, the relationship tensions all around, the way the past and its people are laid to rest is simply exquisite. your foreshadowing was also brilliant. and this epilogue was so clever and truly is a great addition and execution through the eyes of Jean-Paul The twists and turns really had me there and at last, they're all able to find peace and it is beautifully rewarding to have made it to the end. A magnificent read. I would give anything to read it all over again as I have this first time.
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