Reviews for 12 Memories
cabot007 chapter 14 . 9/3/2005
Aw...taht was so sad. But it oly reaffirmed how much Peyton & Lucas meant to each other. I can't wait to see what happens in the epilogue. UD SOON!
RosHillCrosCreekgurl chapter 14 . 9/2/2005
OMG! that was a really good ending it was sad i was on the verge of tears but i loved it cant wait for the epilogue! who knows maybe a sequel "hint hint"!
Lauz1 chapter 14 . 9/2/2005
Absolutely fantastic update and I mean fantastic. The interaction between Lucas and Peyton especically. It was incredibly sweet! Of course I was like "No!" Peyton can't leave -Sob- Lol, but that just makes me look forward to the epilogue even more.

As always, brilliant.

Lauz :)
THGluv12 chapter 14 . 9/2/2005
that was so sad! i was in tears by the end! it was really hard on me when they all started crying! i really hope that they stay friends and that in the epilouge they can be together but i am sure what ever u write will be awsome... so keep up the great work and plz make me happy and update asap!plz!
breakingsilence chapter 14 . 9/2/2005
I was balling. I'm still crying, it's really hard to write this review. This is definatley...well most likely going to be a lenghthy review. I loved the story, it's definatley one of my favorites, I just-I...can't believe she moved away. This was definatley a great story. This is hard to write, 'cause I'm still crying LOL. I started when they were in their room and they said goodbye. It was just-beautiful. I dunno...I loved it. This story was great, because you kinda got to see their love grow, which was great. I loved it. I hope that they DO get together, but if not, it was still a wonderful written story, but yes it was mean how you did us ;) This was one of those stories, I really didn't know how it was going to end, I mean I figured they'd get together, but I never just amazing. Great job. I'm sorry, I just keep repeating myself. I'll stop now LOL But get the epilpgue up soon, 'cause I HAVE to read it. You have a long weekend ;)
RosHillCrosCreekgurl chapter 13 . 8/29/2005
OMG! NO she cant leave i cant believe this fic is about to be over it will be so sad to see it go! it is so good!
a.k.a.-leyton chapter 13 . 8/28/2005
This chapter definitely upped the drama. Can't wait to see what happens with Peyton and her dad.
Lauz1 chapter 13 . 8/28/2005
Aw, no! Okay maybe that sounded a little too dramatic but I love the direction Lucas and Peyton were going, they were getting back on track and now...she might leave! -Sobs- Lol.

Excellent writing, as usual.

P.S. It's nice to see Haley and Nathan are working things out!
cabot007 chapter 13 . 8/28/2005
I LOVED the update! Glad Nathan/Haley worked things out...but Peyton can't leave! Keep up the FANTASTIC work & UD SOON!
breakingsilence chapter 13 . 8/28/2005
Now that's just mean. You can't do that! I love this story and all...but poor Lucas. I mean they're finally back on track. Larry can't do that to Lucas! You have to, and I mean have to have them get together, it just wouldn't be fair. Because you made me so sad, you have to update soon! LOL, Anyways, I really loved it. It was very well written great job!
sideways anger chapter 12 . 8/27/2005
update! update! update! its been a while since ive read any of my fave stories so i thought i would catch up and tell you how well you're doing :)
Amber chapter 12 . 8/24/2005
I just read the last three updates and I loved them all. I love the way you created the Haley and Peyton friendship I really liked it, and how Brooke is coming along. I hope Nathan and Haley find thier way to each other soon. I especially like this last chapter with the Nathan and Peyton scene, I like how he made Peyton realize she was making a mistake...I also loved the last LP scene *sigh* the I love you's, so cute...their friendship in this fic is the best...I love the way you write, I can't wait for the next UD, please UD soon
THGluv12 chapter 12 . 8/20/2005
loved this chapt.! i can't wait for an update! so keep up the great work and u/d asap!
soul bound chapter 12 . 8/19/2005
Aw...I felt bad for Lucas and Haley. Sucks that that they aren't getting what they want because Nathan and Peyton are scared to get hurt...again. I kinda felt bad for Nathan too but he's being a jack.
cabot007 chapter 12 . 8/19/2005
I LOVED it! U do such an amazing job with ur fics...UPDATE SOON!
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