Reviews for 12 Memories
Lauz1 chapter 7 . 6/16/2005
Just started from Chapter One to the final. Am addicted as they say. Love how it's set out, love the action between the characters.

Lauz :)
breakingsilence chapter 7 . 6/9/2005
Wow! Now you gotta update just found this story and you sucked me in-CONTINUE SOON!
cabot007 chapter 7 . 6/2/2005
I loved the update. I thought it was nice that Lucas & Jake could sit and talk...I hope that the same goes with Brooke (b/c I love Brooke, just not really with Lucas-at least in the romantic sense).

I can't wait for more updates-and not just this story, but ur others as well.
me chapter 7 . 6/2/2005
yeah lucas and peyton neraly kissed

i so hope that they get together soon
lovinleyton320 chapter 7 . 6/1/2005
I love it Lyss! And I'm so glad you updated. I honestly cannot wait until these two just kiss. It's gonna be great! :)

P.S I update my fic "The Things That Move Us" too!

a.k.a.-leyton chapter 7 . 6/1/2005
I thought this was a great chapter. It moved the story forward and let them be honest about their feelings with other people, now if they could only e honest with each other we'd really be getting somewhere. Can't wait for more!
Reader07 chapter 7 . 6/1/2005
I cant wait to see what happens...way to trick us, and have Haley call!
sideways anger chapter 6 . 5/23/2005
im waiting.. as patiently as I can for you to update. While I love Peyton/Jake and Brooke/Lucas i love this story because it's well written and captures both of their (Peyton and Lucas') friendship and personalities. Okay, so I have two things to look forward to.. your update, and the season finale tomorrow! :)

cabot007 chapter 6 . 5/13/2005
I love this story..except how Jake & Brooke are kind of the jerks of the story. Anyways, I'm glad u updated & I hope to see more soon.

I also am waiting patiently (at least I'm trying to-LOL for ur updates for The Saddest Song & teh sequel to Lost in the Past. They're such well-written stories-as is this one. Can't wait for the updates!
Jessica chapter 6 . 5/12/2005
first, I knew I would LOVE this fic because I love the 12 Memories cd and b/c I've read other fics by you. oh, and I'm a freak about Leyton. :) This is an incredible fic and I hope that you'll update it soon. You have a new loyal reader in me!
spunkpunk23 chapter 6 . 5/12/2005
wow another amazing chapter i loved it
a.k.a.-leyton chapter 6 . 5/11/2005
I like this timid dance they're doing around their feelings for each other, and they're not even completely sure of the feelings whatever they may be. Great job with this chapter.
soul bound chapter 5 . 4/22/2005
I laughed my butt of during the end. Drunk Lucas was funny. "Shuck" LOL and Peyton. They were so cute asleep. Update more often and ASAP!
a.k.a.-leyton chapter 5 . 4/20/2005
That was a really cute chapter. The two of them getting plastered was funny.I love how close they are, that really comes across well in your writing. Can't wait to see where this goes.
anonymous chapter 5 . 4/20/2005
wow another great chapter this story keeps getting better and better keep up the good work
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