Reviews for Defective
SolaCatella chapter 6 . 4/23/2006
Wow! This is an interesting idea and one I haven't seen before. I could really empathize with Skibby and it was very interesting reading about the details of what makes her defective. I wonder how she'll square meeting Zim with her defective status?

The one issue I have is the author's note you planted squarely in the middle of your fic in chapter 6: "I wondered how much anger she’d congested her head with over the past few days before releasing it all in tears. I wondered how long it took for the reality of our situation to fully seep in. I couldn’t look at her that way. It was almost disgusting. She hated it when I cried, and now, it seemed that was true vice-versa. I felt too many things when she cried. Distress because she was making annoying sounds, deceit because she made herself out to be the type who never cried, debate because I didn’t know if I should console her or not, and of course, I felt defective compassion. (A/N: Repetition of initial “D” sounds!)"

In-text author's notes never fail to jolt me out of the story and are very detrimental to the flow and substance of the story. It's much better to simply leave them in a paragraph at the bottom of your chapter, which allows people who honestly don't care to just skip over them.
mimsy-borogove chapter 1 . 7/12/2005
This story demands a detailed review to do it justice, and at the moment I sadly don't have the time to give it, but I will say this:

Traditionally, I absolutely hate, in a very irrational way, most original characters in fanfiction. Even when they aren't "Mary Sues." However, I love both your story, and your characters. Obviously, you're doing something very right here.

Fantastically written. I've been away, but I am sorry I didn't drop you a line about it earlier. Great job, and I hope I can write more coherently about this later.
Invader Kai chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
Please write more! This is...awesome. Truly good. Please keep writing!
Dooky chapter 6 . 3/24/2005
I really like this one, since fancharacters usually don't put me off (unless the people implement them in irritating ways, of course), and it's kind of like reading the script of an action sequence from a movie. Please write more, and definitely write fast...unless you don't want to rush, of course. _
AzureF chapter 6 . 3/16/2005
I read, I liked, and I reviewed

Great story. I always like seeing original characters every once in a while, it really gives some more depth to the entire society.

Plus, since I've never watched the show and have to depend on what I can glean, it helps that I don't have to have prior knowledge.

Great work. I will be watching this fic for updates. You write really well, and very convincingly. Almost philosophically. It's great.
Maran Zelde chapter 4 . 2/25/2005
This is pretty good, especially for a fic that stars original characters. You've actually managed to make me care about Skibby. There's something sinister about Hexa, though, even before she beat Skibby. I realise it probably has a lot to do with the fact that she's trying to raise Skibby with no maternal instinct, but...Just the way she experiments and withholds information seems sinister to me.
Dust Traveller chapter 3 . 2/20/2005
An interesting take on Irken society, and its views on deformity and, dare I say, eccentric behavior. I am interested to see how skibby reacts to the other members of the IZ cast. I also like the fact that you haven't taken the normal route with an OC Irken just suddenly showing up on earth for no goddamn reason. It seems like you are taking the time to let the story evolve naturally, and I can tell you from experience that this is the way to go.

Good work, and keep it up. Don't let the lack of reviews discourage you... I'll give you a little mention with the next chapter of Going On, and we'll see if that helps you out any.
Xerio chapter 2 . 2/14/2005
Interesting concept.

What more is there to say? as long as the thread stays coherent and logical this could be a great story.


rdfng chapter 2 . 2/14/2005
Second verse, twas same as the first! Meaning this was spectacular!
rdfng chapter 1 . 2/14/2005
This is awesome! Can't wait to know what happens!