Reviews for Xanadu
Silver Magiccraft chapter 36 . 11/20/2024
Thank you for writing and sharing this!
dearied chapter 36 . 8/10/2024
Absolutely amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
masterlysheep chapter 3 . 6/9/2023
I know it's most likely for plot sake but boy are they quick to think she's dead. Your Scott is really pissing me off.

I'm sad to see that Wolvie doesn't seem to be that close to Rogue. There father/daughter relationship is one of my favorite thing in x-men.
DayenuRose chapter 13 . 1/23/2022
I’ve read your fic many times now. And, each time I look forward to this chapter. The way you describe the Christmas Eve service and Rogue’s singing always evokes the memories of the candlelight, Christmas eve services from my youth. We had a spectacular soprano who would sing ‘O Holy Night’ every year, and I could *hear* her again as you described Rogue’s singing and Remy’s reactions. Thank you for writing this. It’s truly beautiful and evocative. 3
babythor chapter 7 . 12/31/2020
Southerners communicate through food, so a lot of cooking makes sense :)
PandalillyZK chapter 13 . 3/28/2019
Aw! Remy is too cute in this chapter.
Glowbug24 chapter 36 . 10/21/2018
Glowbug24 chapter 32 . 10/21/2018
Glowbug24 chapter 25 . 10/21/2018
Gah! So close!
Glowbug24 chapter 13 . 10/20/2018
Oh my god. Remy cooking breakfast and blaming it on "Santa" is TOO perfect. :D And I loved the bit where Rogue sang… she's usually more of a husky alto in my head, but that was just beautiful.
bookfan99 chapter 1 . 9/30/2018
*mumbles to self* Is this the fic I've been looking for?
*reads prologue*
It IS the fic I've been looking for!
I really like this story and wanted to reread it, but for some reason it me forever to find it. Probably just didn't filter the right way.
Azue chapter 18 . 3/11/2018
My mother's name was Thelma. I'll be damned if your version isn't a little bit of my mom. Thank you. She'd have loved that bit.
bookfan99 chapter 4 . 1/16/2018
Omg, I'm crying. That's so sad.
InkPaperDoll488 chapter 36 . 8/12/2017
Mkay, I know I just posted a review for Black is the Color, BUT I READ THIS FIRST AND REALIZED I FORGOT TO LEAVE A REVIEW!
*smacks self about the head with a book like Dobby* Bad Hope, bad, bad Hope!

This story..
Romy has always been one of my absolutely favorite couples/ships/pairings/whatever you want to call it. It is the one pairing I come back to read stories from when it seems like all the other ships I read fic for haven't updated in foreeeeeever. Seriously, I have Broken Road by AnnaMarie Chambers bookmarked, that story is like- my all time favorite.
I've bookmarked this one as well now. Like- its saved on my browser. Because I love it.
I read this thing over the span of a week (because, ya know, life happens) and I just, really really fell in love with it. One thing I've always wanted more of, and really haven't found too too much of in fanfiction, is when Rogue gets to meet the family and the Guild in New Orleans. Because I honestly believe that the LeBeaus would welcome her into their ranks and love her as much as they love Remy. Your story did that. It went above and beyond that. And I had to let you know that I'm so so glad you didn't abandon it, even if it did take a few years to finish. I've read several stories that were headed in amazing directions for my favorite couple, and then they just get abandoned and are left unfinished. That makes my heart sad.

You made my heart happy. Like, seriously happy. So thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

This is a great work of fiction and I'm so glad you shared it with us here.
gothiclove chapter 4 . 10/26/2016
Not a fan of the use of the words pissy goth but other wise story is good so far
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