Reviews for No Thanks
daithi4377 chapter 14 . 9/15
How did Harry draw attention to himself ths summer. It was the Order that took it upon themselves to aporich and harangue the Dursley, harry just chose not to go to the house fir more vucious abuse because if their actions. It was Dumbledore that set the guards that left when the wards fell without orotwcting the family. Dumbledore sending Kingsley to break into and search the house caused issues for Kingsley, the same with Tonks and the Dursleys. Dumbledore kept sending people to the Grangers thus he was the one bringing attention to Harry. Sending Severus dressed as a DE to the Grangers late at night put Harry on the radar so Harry didnt do anything but react to Dumbledores actions. The sad part is everyone is cottoning on to Dumbledore but he still doesnt see that he is the one that has been putting Harry in danger. Also because of this its still only Harry he wants to put in protective custody and not Hermione or the Grangers themselves since he has put all of their lives in jeopardy and has put all the blame on Harrys shoulders if something were to happen to them.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/11
Your version of Dumbledore in this story still believes he is bulletproof. He still thinks Snape farts rainbows (absolutely no checks on Snapes obsessions) so, yes, he would come to Snapes aid in a heartbeat.
AerynS chapter 12 . 8/29
I may have missed it but can muggles use pensieves?
joemjackson chapter 19 . 8/21
Just gave a reread. Enjoyed.
maiqsmail chapter 20 . 8/15
Overall a pretty bland but sugary story but I at least liked the way muggle thingies (Arthur Weasley's slang) have been used effectively.
maiqsmail chapter 17 . 8/15
Vault owners can't be told who deposited money to them. And we are surprised there is a widespread corruption in the ministry with such fiscal legislature?
maiqsmail chapter 16 . 8/15
Sappy, fluffy and absolutely naive. If Hermione would act as two faced gold-digger, it would be absolutely the same exterior she presents to HP here. I'm surprised this Harry has not been snatched by any opportunistic girl before, he's helpless in relationships.
maiqsmail chapter 12 . 8/15
A series of stilted conversations, loosely connected by pieces of story. It's just barely alright enough to continue reading.
Also, they're sitting talking then suddenly "Dumbles knocked and entered" - entered from where to where? How did he arrive? Do they have a vanishing cabinet to his office? What an awkward scene.
maiqsmail chapter 8 . 8/15
How the hell Tonks had a pile of mail directed to HP? Some auror received someone's private mail?
maiqsmail chapter 7 . 8/15
Hol up. Snape met Malfoy at Malfoy manor? Which Malfoy, Draco? Wasn't Lucius Malfoy caught in DoM in death water regalia and put in Azkaban less than a month before that?
maiqsmail chapter 6 . 8/15
BP petrol station? British Petroleum petrol station?
Oh, sure, let me just enter my Personal Identification Number code on this Automated Teller Machine machine.
maiqsmail chapter 3 . 8/14
That's fucking Monty Python sketch level of events.
maiqsmail chapter 1 . 8/14
"Did it seem out of character that the Dursleys just drove off?" he says.
Dudetsky, if they have had a single whiff of an idea that HP has some cash to hire a cab, it would be OOC for them to drive to pick him up in the first place. Be real.
Rebatrek chapter 20 . 7/17
Bullshit , you’re letting Dumbledor !
WhatHaveIDiscovered chapter 20 . 7/9
Interesting story. Well done and thanks for sharing!
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