Reviews for Pawns
Anime Monster chapter 11 . 4/22/2005
Websites first, you probably heard of some of them (puncuation seperated by spaces)

fleetingfancies . nokoru fan - full - metal - alchemist . html

w . livejournal community / steelandsparks /

w . livejournal community / royxedcommunity /

w . scimitarsmile alchemy / index . php

archive . toukakoukan . com

Now the review:

*cries* I hate it when Al and Ed fight because it makes me remember episode 23 which makes me remember episode 25.

Where are they taking Roy. Poor Roy... *cries*

Update as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to Ed and Roy groping.

Anime Monster
Ranger chapter 11 . 4/22/2005
This is avery well written story with an original premise and plot progression. I can't wait to see what Roy is planning. I'm sorry you won't get to update for a while, and am looking eagerly forward to the next chapters.
Anelle chapter 1 . 4/21/2005
I've been following this fic for the last few days and may I say you update so often it is just wonderful :)

I really like the whole people getting forced to do things for the sake of others theme in this story
Seadragon chapter 11 . 4/21/2005
Ah! And you're going away now for a bit aren't you? *is impatient* This chapter is very good! Keep it up!
Dustwind chapter 11 . 4/21/2005
Wow, this is such a good fic. You have an awesome plot and I LOVE that you're giving Al a backbone. Not that he doesn't have one, but you just bring it out so nicely. It's great to see him coming into his own.

And I just love your plot. I can see this as a feasible AU. It's just so good. I am doing such a bad job of reviewing it because I need to start using an adjective other than "good."

How about complex, intelligent, captivating, and IN CHARACTER!

One of my favorites! Please keep this up.
lelann chapter 11 . 4/21/2005
hm, what's roy up to? and where's he going? oh write more soon!
FireanIce chapter 11 . 4/21/2005
I love tjis stroy update soon huggies for another great chapther
Epic Awsome chapter 11 . 4/21/2005
nashinashi chapter 11 . 4/21/2005
Another chapter~ *loves you for this*

...Heh heh, pervert!Al *laughs* I can't wait to know what happens next (are they going to punish Roy for having Ed "misbehave"? etc~~) *DIES*

"A few weeks off"~ poo e_e; (though I understand completely what you mean about not being able to write/read/whatever anything yaoi-ish around your parents and stuff XD Lol~~)

Great job, keep it up _
kori hime chapter 10 . 4/20/2005
Great chapter! Love it! Aw? No update for a while? That sucks but I can't wait for the next chapter!
cadazar chapter 10 . 4/19/2005
hey, this is a pretty good story.

i really get disturbed by all the homosexual bits, but its still quite good.
lelann37 chapter 10 . 4/19/2005
*sigh* i love this fic! write more soon!
Anime Monster chapter 10 . 4/19/2005
*falls out of chair* Midnight is such a pervert, even my mind isn't that dirty. Love the way the plot is going. *chants* Mustang for fuhrer. Mustang for fuhrer.

I'm going to be so depressed during your off time, luckily I've found several fanfiction sites with RoyXEd to keep me busy.

Update as soon as possible.

Anime Monster
kai chapter 10 . 4/19/2005
oh yeah you are good keep it coming i am getting goose bumps just thinking about it
Kaori chapter 10 . 4/19/2005
No chapter for two weeks? ToT~~

Anyway~ That was a quick update _ The Fuhrer is such a freak~~ XD Hope you can update soon(er than 2 weeks)~ D
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