Reviews for Butterfly in Reverse
Rhysati chapter 18 . 2/21/2006
Wow. And this is only eighteen chapters? My gosh, that's a lot of stuff happening in so short a time (chapterwise). I must say, this is one of the few KakaIru stories I've enjoyed, and that's probably because of the excellent and tasteful way you've done it. The flow and depth of the plot has been all but seamless, and while the idea of a war may not be entirely original, the way you've approached it certainly is (in my, opinion, at least).

I love the way you've managed to mix humor and angst and drama and action without it seeming out of place or awkward. Two of my favorite scenes in recent chapters are Izumo in the bathroom and Genma on the counter. If I hadn't been buckled into a car seat when I read them, I'd have been rolling on the floor. As it was, it took me almost ten minutes to read each section, I was laughing so hard. On the other hand, two of the saddest scenes (to me) were when Kakashi told the puppies about their sire's death and when Chouza died. I almost couldn't believe it when you said that they blew Chouza up. That would have been a hard scene for me to write, but you did wonderfully.

Speaking of dying, you're killing so really random people in some very realistic ways. I can see it happening that way in the manga (or in some way similar). But honestly, Iwari, EBISU, and Chouza? Again, very well written and realistic, but strange characters to be killing.

Honestly, the only nitpicking I have is the spelling of some characters' names and an issue with the Sannin. We'll start with that one first, in fact - I don't know if anyone's mentioned it yet, but Sannin is both singular and plural. Sennin is literally translated as hermit (hence Ero-senninPerverted Hermit). You only used it once that I can remember, but it's something of a pet peeve of mine. As for the other, both the Sandaime's name and Asuma's family name are spelled SaRUtobi. I'm positive on that one because during the Chunnin arc, the Nidaime calls Sandaime 'Monkey,' a play on his name - Saru is the Japanese word for monkey. And though it's not really nitpicking, the timeline can be a little hard to follow at times.

But other than that, it's an excellent piece of fiction, a well-defined plot, and a wonderful weave of subplots and sidestories. I'm glad I was able to read it, and can't wait for the next chapter.

panuru4u chapter 18 . 2/4/2006
I like this story. Despite the yaoi, the earlier chapters were written well enough, and set up for an interesting plot, that i could read the brief yaoish scenes in stride. Good story all around.
PsychoLeopard chapter 18 . 2/2/2006
Your story is just wonderful. It took me two days to read it, but it was totally worth it. You are an astounding writer. I caught a few typos here and there, but with the length of your chapters that's kind of inevitable. The time jumps were a little confusing in the earlier chapters but I understand why you wrote most of them in the order you did. Everything is coming along nicely as far as plots and such go. Great work, and definitely keep it up (when you have time, as I know how distracting school is).
chikara28 chapter 18 . 1/29/2006
wow this story is amazing. Wow i'm blown away by this I love it so much. You trully are a talented writer. The characters are so well written and in character, this is trully a aowrk of genious. Really looking forward to the next chapter!
gilithramaloce chapter 18 . 1/15/2006
i am simply amazed by your story. you have a wonderful writing style, you add elements of every genre seamlessly without overdoing it. i find this story incredibly sad and so i find the little funny comments added really wonderful. i'm looking forward to reading the next chapter in this story!
Icy Sapphire15 chapter 1 . 1/13/2006
Shika, hun, the team's all ready insane. Kashi just gave them that nudge over the edge. I would know; they whacked me on the way down. I fell another couple yards into that chasm. :P
Berserk chapter 18 . 1/10/2006
I liked the story but the Kakashi/Iruka relationship just stopped me cold. :(
Constructor chapter 18 . 1/7/2006
wow. beautiful..and brilliant really...can't help to hope there would be a small sasuke/naruto on the side though... even though this story clearly focuses on kakashi...

But good writing.
Revised chapter 18 . 12/28/2005
This story is like a refreshing shower - you have all the right elements. Your writing rocks, the clarity is astounding for an experiment fic. Your Kakashi is one of, if not the best, I've read.
Keakun chapter 18 . 12/24/2005
I can't describe to you how much of a pleasure it's been to read this. This has to be one of my favorite Kakashi centric fics.

For something that started out as an experiment it has certainly panned out very well. One can almost see the story developing, even after you said that it was just random... how very Kakashi of you. Kudos :D.

I cannot wait for the next chapter of this fic, you have me hooked. Keep doing the great work.
Lachwen chapter 18 . 12/24/2005
WOw! Love the story - the characterization is excellent!
shadowangl chapter 18 . 12/21/2005
this has to be the BEST kakashi fic i've read for a while. its really well written and i'm dying to read more. keep it up!
Retards United chapter 18 . 12/18/2005
Your writing ability is uncanny. I love how you string together everything with perfection, and you never make it sound too forced, too anything, to be exact.

The only detrimental thing comes from me. I have NEVER read a yaoi story in my entire years of internet skimming, but this was so beautifully written, I don't even care. Not that I'm against to yaoi or anything, I'm just not into it.

But, this is... Wow. I love your story, and I will continue to follow it, yaoi or not. I despise those that are adverse to a story just because it's yaoi, or a strange pairing. That, and Kakashi-sensei is my favorite Naruto character, lol.

I'll stop babbling now. Just keep writing, please. It would be a shame to see this beautiful story end.
dawnstonedagger chapter 18 . 12/15/2005
Hi! You asked in your reply for some further comments about your handling of Iruka's character (not that it was really that ooc at all).

The only thing that comes to mind is that I felt you'd gone a little overboard with the mother henning he was applying to Kakashi in the last few chapters. Naturally, Iruka is a nurturing type, so it's expected that he would do that to a certain extent. A few sweet nothings that were said also, made my teeth hurt with the cuteness. Maybe it's just the fact that your writing is, on the whole, dark and gritty and a bit disjointed (in a good way). So, when you interpose some sunshine and rainbows, it's kind of jarring. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Qualities I think a good Iruka could have:

Kind but stern

Forgives easily

Generous and optimistic

Possibly a bit too trusting

Competent but not especially confident


Puts his students before himself/his personal life (very Japanese schoolteacherish)

Has an innate need to be social, very physically expressive (ie. see reaction to Sexy No Jutsu)

Loses his temper sometimes, even in class

Oh, and I'd like to mention that between you and SNA, it's completely unneccessary for anyone else to ever write Kakashi/Rin stories. They are hardcore angstcandy. Me like.

Cheers again, from the middle of , hope this was helpful. :)
Nakitama-san chapter 18 . 12/13/2005
Ok, ok...*breathes in*

I Love You. How's that?

God, this has to be the best Kakashi-centric fic I've /ever/ read. It's felshed him out perfectly, and it leaves me a feeling of, "This is how Kishimoto-sama would've wrote him if this was a book!" It's perfect!

It's great how it doesn't -focus- on the KakaIru relationship, but it is one of the many subplots! Usually, I'm a yaoi fanatic, and I'd be saying, "Gimme more!" but man, this fic...incorporates everything with just the right amount.

And gah! The subplots. So many, it's impossible not to be entertained. And how you add each and every character, dammit, there must have been every character in this story!

Jiraiya and Kakashi's relationship...even /more/ love to that. Jiraiya really cares. And it's so him too!

Again, I applaud you for keeping your characters IC. It's a hard thing to do now a days!

Aw, Team 7. Sasuk's back! And Naruto defending him from the villagers? Gives you a sense of pride and...squeeness. And Sakura! I usually don't like her, but you've made the almost impossible very possible
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