Reviews for Butterfly in Reverse
illereyn chapter 18 . 10/17/2010
Wow - the characterisation, the relationships, the set-up of the shinobi world and the clearly-shown burden of on-coming war...this story is so powerful. A little sad that it hasn't been updated for a while - do you have any plans of going back to this?
GoldenHorde chapter 7 . 9/2/2010
I read this, and felt so... sad can't describe what I felt. Kakashi was so real, and the PTSD reminds me of what my brother, who is a marine sometimes feels. Brava!
Sora Nadeshiko chapter 8 . 7/13/2010
'and the few pictures of the couple had obviously been taken by Kakashi – who was the only shinobi he knew that could make pictures of benches look like pornography'

Well, damn, I never knew this! Maybe you can incorporate it into a fic that entails Kakashi's adventures as a photographer...hehehe...*nosebleed* THE DETAILS!
intoxicatedasphyxiation chapter 2 . 6/1/2010
The last line of this chapter was very well worded, and nicely done.
cai-ann chapter 18 . 5/23/2010
This is an amazing, beautiful story and the best kakashi piece I have ever read. I hope one day you will be compelled to finish it(maybe with kakashi gaiden being animated now) or if not you put it up for adoption for another equally talented auther to finish. if theres one out there. so for now i will just thank you for a wonderful,touching,gritty story. Thankyou
reddemoneyes chapter 18 . 4/6/2010
you really need to update this. just read it all in two nights with a break between for meals and shit like that. I fully enjoyed this fic and just love the drama as well as the antics and i noticed you have updated in about four or five years and i know real live takes up time but dammit I just want to read everything to the very end. See how each team and relationships turn out and I will be very mad if you did something to Izumo and Kotetsu, like kill one off right before or even after they get over whatever drama is keeping them apart. Even though im a Kakashi/Iruka fan. hehe and im dying to know how the war with stone will end. im not kidding, this story has been on my mind all the time when im not reading it.
X-Rage chapter 18 . 1/15/2010
Please update soon. It's been five years since your last update but I think I'm prepared to wait five years more. I don't often review things because I want every review I make to be a meaningful one that actually offers some constructive advice of sort, but this is so good that the only thing I can say is that I really want to meet more. I've just spent the past day reading all 18 chapters of this, and I think that so far, this is the best Kakashi-centric fic on the website and possibly the entire internet. If there was a higher 'honour' i could give then just favouriting this, I would.

Please write more.
HH chapter 18 . 7/13/2009
It's disappointing to see this story abandoned. It's very well-done. It would be nice if someone could adopt the story or something. Seems a shame to leave it be.
torquewrench chapter 18 . 6/16/2009
Wow, I really enjoyed that. Very in character. A really interesting, detailed story. Many thanks! x
xstormwolf chapter 18 . 6/1/2009
This was so beautifully written and I could really imagine everything. I read it all in one go, and while I greatly enjoyed it, I'm kind of disappointed that it's incomplete. Though I understand that you're not into writing anymore, would you be interested in putting this story up for adoption? You would make a lot of people happy if this was ever finished.
Julie chapter 6 . 5/5/2009
So first off I want to say, I got chills like no other at the end of this chapter.

Also, I know there are plenty more chapters to read yet, and I was going to wait till the very end to comment, but this is far too fantastic to wait that long. This is-if not the best-, one of the best Kakashi stories I have EVER read. Oh God it's so amazing in every single way and you just capture EVERYTHING so PERFECTLY, words cannot even describe how much I am loving this so far, and will continue to love it to the very end and beyond. Thank you for writing this, it's everything I love in one story. ]
anonymous chapter 18 . 3/11/2009
well, I have to say that I'll be sorry never to hear the end of this. I really loved this story because it focused more on characters I don't seem to hear a lot about, or read about, and that was very refreshing. I also enjoyed it because your style of writing is easy to read. I hope that if your interest in Naruto returns you will finish this, but if not, I understand. :)
Ayer chapter 18 . 1/3/2009
I realize that this is probably basically abandoned, but I really like it, so I put it on my story alert just in case..
tineryn chapter 18 . 12/25/2008
I know that you said in your profile that this story is on hiatus or abandoned, but I read it anyway, and I'm glad I did. I really like your characterization of Kakashi (so many authors seem to get him wrong), and how the ships are there, but they're background. This is also the first Kakashi/Iruka I've actually LIKED. (I like the pairing, but have a really difficult time finding fics where they're in character.)

Anyway, even though it's mostly abandoned, I've added this to story alert on the off chance that you decide to come back to it.
dundee998 chapter 1 . 11/25/2008
Aw man, that is an AWESOME way to start a story. Truly, one of the most engaging and humorous techniques I have seen on this site.
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