Reviews for 4 Out of 5 DADA Professors Recommend
mumphie chapter 8 . 10/14/2022
An interesting story! Hope that someday you will be able to continue. Lot's of fun.
Shivers82 chapter 1 . 9/4/2022
Brilliant essay. My only suggestion would be an adjustment to the part where he learned the Ministry made mistakes in his third year. He would have learned this in every year except first. Hagrid put in jail without trial (2nd), Sirius in 3rd, plus the treatment of werewolves, and Bagman using his position during 4th to try to win his bet and the kiss without trial of Crouch jr. (I can’t remember where he would have had contact with the Ministry in first year.)

Looking forward to reading the rest of the story and reactions.
OkBoomer147 chapter 1 . 6/22/2022
That's a really different way to look at it.
Good job though!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/4/2022
And they are still friends with the twins? Absolutely not. You don’t stay friends with people who have proven beyond all doubt to be untrustworthy. Harry deserves to get cruciod by moody for this stupidity. This Harry deserves to die. He’s too stupid.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/4/2022
Looks like Harry has only one friend. The weasleys are now enemies and should be treated as such.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/4/2022
Fucking bitch. The worst part of canon is that the evil people never get punished the way they deserve. Vernon and Petunia deserve life in jail. Yet they never get punished at all. Snape never gets punished for his actions towards Harry. dumbledor, mcgonnagal, unbridge, Lockhart, Hagrid, Sirius, Lupin, nobody ever gets a just punishment for their crimes. Just their own actions leading to death for some of them. Nobody gets punished justly. Not one single character. And that has me believing the bitch Rowling deserves some truly bad karma.
yochan123 chapter 8 . 4/22/2022
honestly why the fuck is he still friends with ron? ron weasley is a fucking terrible friend who betrayed him horribly twice when ron is basically a friendless jealous git without harry there and soaking up the influence from harry's luck even though ron has zero talent of his own.
yochan123 chapter 2 . 4/22/2022
honestly hermione is a fucking horrible friend who constantly berates harry here for WANTING TO BE ALIVE FOR ANOTHER YEAR. how the fuck has her continued trust in these adults continued when they constantly only put her and other students in danger?! without harry she would likely have died in first year.
yochan123 chapter 1 . 4/22/2022
honestly pretty much every DADA prof has tried to kill harry in one way or another snape and all the other shit profs i would have jumped ship ages ago. fuck them. harry has money
Bad Wolf Jen chapter 5 . 6/16/2021
I still have hope you will finish this one day
Spidersauce chapter 6 . 6/9/2021
This chapter is an amazing example of just how far gone Snape is mentally in his broken brain of Potter Hatred.
animecutylover chapter 8 . 2/25/2021
This was an interesting read.
Abyssal Angel chapter 7 . 2/8/2021
I can't read this any more. Hermione's midnight interrogation has just been the clincher on why I hate nearly every single person in this story. (not your story in particular, but the Harry Potter series as a whole.)
Spidersauce chapter 1 . 8/29/2020
Eh. Definitely a biased essay. All five tried to kill him, not four out of five. Obliviated to nothingness is essentially killing in my mind. And Lupin was a werewolf for 30 years before PoA, I believe. And then on the full moon he personally ensured he was near children when he transformed. A case can be made for it being neglect, sure, but the case remains that as a werewolf Lupin tried to kill Harry.
red-jacobson chapter 8 . 8/15/2020
Finally got around to reading this, and I hope you are able to come back to the story, it's fun!

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