Reviews for Where Strength Begins
paulieandgilbert chapter 33 . 2/18/2024
I'm confused. This is the second chapter where it is mentioned that Hermione has to be protected and Harry would insist to do it. Wasn't it stated that the reason Death Eaters were after her was to use her as bait against Harry? Doesn't it defeat the purpose if he's there with her? Now that would be giving them the cake and letting them eat it too.
Clearly not well thought out here!
paulieandgilbert chapter 25 . 2/17/2024
I'm sorry, ...Albus and Minerva are laughing and teasing while discussing a students kidnapping by Deatheaters? Really?! Way beyond OOC!
paulieandgilbert chapter 21 . 2/17/2024
This is cute, but I'm having a bit of a problem with the grown-ups behaving so juvenile. There must be an issue when Ronald Weasley can be more mature than Minerva McGonagall.
The idea that Dumbledore would actively set up one of his professors with a student no matter what her Wizarding age is preposterous. Unless of course he wants to be removed as headmaster.
I'm also uncomfortable with Ginny ordering Hermione around like she owns her. I just can't imagine Hermione tolerating this when she's bossing the boys around just as much.
This is pretty good for a first story, but it does have a few issues.
RosaCecilia17 chapter 18 . 1/23/2023
Erm... I'm pretty sure Severus is a half-blood. Not a muggleborn... Just making a small correction hope you don't mind
Jane F chapter 14 . 7/27/2022
It is overall nicely written, but the amount of meddling is making it hard to read. The same plot would work if Snape had to stay there because he had some very secret potion to make, they would have gotten stuck under the mistletoe and figured it out without gloating Dumbledore who seems to have been cursed to meddle that much, and there was no need for Ginny's voyeristic spying for us to see the kiss, it only spoils the scene, because the fact that they are spied upon and forced into relationship comes to the front instead of relationship itself. And sorry but it's hard for me to believe that everyone would be pushing them together so much, she might be 20 (impossible even with the timeturner, she had 2 extra lesson, not 20), but it's still school, the age is irrelevant, even at universities it would be frowned upon, let alone school.
Again, it is very well written, and I was looking forward to enjoying it, which is why I'm a bit sad that all this forceful interfering ruined it for me. I know that very many - too many - authors for some reason love this device, but here it's taken to a whole different level...
beckyzoso chapter 34 . 11/3/2021
I really enjoy your writing style and voice. Great job on this piece and I look forward to the promised sequel.
Artisticmom2 chapter 34 . 1/5/2021
A wonderful first story! You captured all the characters so well. You also did a fine job setting this up for a sequel. Well done!
Guest chapter 30 . 12/30/2020
Small error. The day after the town visit, everyone met right after lunch, but then immediately people went to bed for the night. The day before, right after the town visit, they'd met after dinner , but it was only lunch on the second day.
Guest chapter 28 . 12/30/2020
Yeah, marching into town with the Order is probably not something Snape can keep secret. And I'm surprised Hermione was moronic enough to believe Albus and Sev when they assured her that they could keep her safe. Right.
Guest chapter 27 . 12/29/2020
After Malloy's attack, Hermione was supposed to always have an escort, but she rarely does. In this micro chapter alone, she walked all over the castles alone.
Guest chapter 26 . 12/29/2020
The photos just might show the mussy hair and wrinkled dress, because Somebody's been rolling around on Snape's bed, making out like a teenager. Lol
Guest chapter 25 . 12/29/2020
She got a new dress and was only allowed one dance at the ball. Albus said be discrete, but ten minutes later they walked out of the ball together and went to his bedroom. They are sending Hermione to the trap to preserve Sev's position as a spy, but they expect him to blow his cover to protect her, and they are blowing his cover by having some bumbling Order members obviously being told to expect Death Eaters.
Guest chapter 23 . 12/29/2020
Well, if they questioned Draco by legitimacy or veritaserum, and then obliviated him, they'd know what was wrong with her. And if someone kicked him in the crotch a few times during the interrogation, that would be good, too.
Guest chapter 21 . 12/29/2020
Castrating the twins might be a good idea, so they can't reproduce. Maybe sterilizing Ginny would be a good idea, too. But even if all three were done, there still should be some sort of poetic justice for all the grill the Albus, and Minerva do. Poor Sev.
Guest chapter 17 . 12/29/2020
It must be magic: Whether bedridden, ill for three days, or stuck to another person, nobody in this story uses a toilet, urinal, or bedpan. Ha
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