Reviews for Forever Cursed
Mellyx3 chapter 9 . 3/20/2006
PunkHime chapter 9 . 3/13/2006
Um, huh? At the end, with the best wishes stuff I was confused. I dont see card captors and I've only read a few books of Fruits Basket, so I dont know. Still, very cute part with Satoshi going he doesn't mind if Daisuke is on top of him. Does that make uke? Or the other one? AH! I forgot. N-E-Wayz, L8R!*!
VampireApple chapter 9 . 3/11/2006
Aw, that was a bit short, but it was nice to read this fic again. :) I'm so glad you up-dated! I'll be waiting for the next chapie.
Mellyx3 chapter 1 . 10/8/2005
eh...i like it!

good job!
PunkHime chapter 8 . 8/29/2005
O.K, I have no idea (that is of your question).

N-E-Ways, review please, and thank you for putting a little bit of blush to the story.

D and S Rock!

Write more
VampireApple chapter 8 . 8/27/2005
Yay! Now that they have thier own body's, things will stat to get good! I'll be waiting for the next chapie!
CoolLikeBowTies chapter 8 . 8/27/2005
hey very cool i like the little notes even if they dont make sence btw if it matters 2 silver serpen goddess i luv fruits basket 2 i like the lil notes with tohru and kyo but u need 2 add Yuki and Hiro 2 ! update soon!
hittocerebattosai chapter 8 . 8/26/2005
cool! new chapter! ... but... what do your notes mean? you lost me...
PunkHime chapter 7 . 8/18/2005

So cool, Riku saw daisuke turn into dark!

Please write more, this is so cool!

About pairs, I think Riku, Iori, and Satoshi should fight for Daisuke, but make Satoshi win! Dark goes with Riku, Krad with Iori's cousin. Yup, but then, I just say that because I like Daisuke/Satoshi stuff.

Write more!

VampireApple chapter 7 . 8/16/2005
That's funny. Humans falling! And Xover with CCS. Nice. _ That's cool though. I've been waiting forever for you to up-date! I'm glad you did! I'll be waiting for the next chapie!
hittocerebattosai chapter 7 . 8/16/2005
yep. evil card... very evil card...
hittocerebattosai chapter 6 . 8/14/2005
aww... I wanna know what happens next! are you going to update soon?
VampireApple chapter 6 . 6/8/2005
Once again, very funny ending! I loved it! And I also liked what the girls were waring. _ An author alert is when FF emails you when an author on the list up-dates or puts out a new story. A story alert is like an author alert but it's just for one story. You can have as many as you want on eather list.

I'm so happy ya'll up-dated and I'm sorry I didn't erview right away. FF wouldn't let me. I'll be waiting for the next chapie!
VampireApple chapter 4 . 6/3/2005
YAY! Up-date! I love this fic, it's so funny! I laughed so hard when Dai said he crashed into a tree. _ I never thought about it, but you proved

a good point. Daisuke must have felt all those emoations when he first turned into Dark and stole things. The pool part was funny too. I liked how you added in parts from vol. 6, that ones my fav. I loved the ending/chiffie for this chapie. I laughed. Well, I love this fanfic, so don't give up! Even if no one else reads it, I will! And it's funny too, I love funny fics. And thanks for reading my fanfic. I read this as soon as I got your review. I'll be waiting for the next chapie. _
VampireApple chapter 3 . 6/1/2005
I wanna read more. I like the description you put into Daisuke's dairy. I'll be waiting for the next chapie.
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