Reviews for The Paths Never Taken
jada952 chapter 9 . 2/25/2006

You can't just leave her chained up against a wall for months w/ spider goo all over her.

I hope you haven't given up on your story.

I am enjoying it so far.

Happy writing!
lateBloomer04 chapter 9 . 10/4/2005
That was freaky! Legolas needs to come and find her soon!
Elvnchic9 chapter 9 . 10/4/2005
Okay, I'll leave a whine. lol. Too short! Me wants more! Suspense-choking-me... Want- Legolas-rescue-hurry! UPDATE! please! I love this story!
Devonshirelass chapter 9 . 10/4/2005
I think that being chained up and having a big hairy spider on my back and not being able to flick it off would really freak me out! I am not afraid of spiders either! A great chapter, short but sweet, better than nothing! I look forward to reading the next one which I hope will be longer! This is a great story, I'm enjoying it loads and hope you update soon! Tata!
lateBloomer04 chapter 8 . 9/27/2005
Wow...this story is EXCELLENT! It's one of the best Leggy romances I've ever read -congrats on a job well done. I love your little PotC illusion 'wait for the opportune moment'. You may or may not have conciously done that...I do stuff like that all the time! Well anyway, this is too good of a story for you to abandon. I'd LOVE it if you updated soon... I really want to know what Legolas sees in the mirror! I wish they'd find each other soon so you could write more romantic scenes!

P.S. The whole 'feeling the other's emotions' thing is way cool. It's so sweet...and so is Legolas. :D
Elvnchic9 chapter 8 . 9/21/2005
Please updat your story soon! It's too good to not be continued!

silver brilliance chapter 8 . 9/8/2005
HI! Thanks for reviewing me! I like your story here. Now I am positively dying to know what Legolas would see in the mirror. Update soon!
EvilspyAchacia chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
well LOTH fics arnt usually in my reading list but you have been so kind to review for me. so far this story sounds like it will be awsome, i cant wait to finish reading, later though its like four am here and im tired. and i cant punctuate or lean proper grammer or spell right writi now, see what i mean.

Sarahbarr17 chapter 8 . 8/2/2005
Good chapter - looking forward to finding out what Legolas sees in the mirror.

Are we going to find out soon exactly why Saurman took Arianna? There must be some particular reason why he went to all the trouble of abducting her and then keeping her.

Love and hugs, Sarah x
LifeIsJustADreamForTheDead chapter 8 . 8/1/2005
going well... needs more action!
brownie24 chapter 8 . 7/31/2005
this part: "i almost pity the fool who took arianna" reminded me of Mr. T and i started cracking up!

hehe well anyway, good chapter! update soon!
Navaer Lalaith chapter 8 . 7/31/2005
This could be a more interesting story if you use authentic dialogue. Here’s a helpful article written about it: : / / . – . h t m

Please research Elves a little bit more. Read _Morgoth's Ring_ by Tolkien, or if you can't buy it, here's a fairly good replacement: : / / / / / / . h t m # 1 0 This article is also a good read: : / / _ _ _ _ a b o . h t m and here’s one that you may find useful: : / / . _ . h t m

Elves don't call each other by nicknames; it would be rude. Names are sacred to the Elves; to call someone by only part of their name would be saying, “I don't care enough about you to say your name.” Hobbits were the only creatures to use nicknames in Middle-earth.

And lastly, please look at this website. It WILL benefit you in the end. It looks like you have an active imagination, put it to work! : / / . P P C / _ . Galu a teithad vain! (Good fortune and fair writing!)

Navaer Lalaith
Elvnchic9 chapter 8 . 7/31/2005
Yeah! Another chapter! I can't wait for the next one! I am really happy you updated.

Who is this master Saruman keeps saying owns Arianna? And where is she going to go? What about Legolas? When will he go after her?

LifeIsJustADreamForTheDead chapter 7 . 7/17/2005
i like it. want more.
brownie24 chapter 7 . 7/17/2005
i'm kinda confused. it seems like the beginning sections are about the present, but then near the end, it seems to go back to the past... it talked about gandalf in the beginning and ended with his fall...

please clarify!
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