Reviews for The Better Solution
Philtre d'Amour chapter 1 . 4/13/2024
Finished all that has been posted to this story. I hope that you have recovered well from your injury/illness. It is my hope that you are thriving and will be inspired to complete this story . No matter what, thank you for the joy you have given me as i face my souvenirs of leukemia. Positive thoughts and prayers to you.
Chopseuyeyelashes chapter 29 . 1/12/2024
OH MY GOD THANKFULLY IT ENDED EVEN IF IT'S NOT COMPLETED... Why sooooooo big big paragraphs of the same thought process repeatedly like why can't the author just move to the plot instead of writing an essay (badly repetitive essay at that) . I actually skimmed the last 10 chapters because it's all the same repetitive thought process of both characters. I was actually glad it ended even though it was not completed so i dont feel obliged to read it.

If author tries to pick this up again, please just write the plot instead of three page monologue for each chapter and those monologue weren't even new ones the same things over and over again.
Guest chapter 29 . 12/4/2022
What a pity this story is not updated. I loved it, it was great amusement to read it. If you find it in you to continue, pleeeeeaaaaase!
Guest chapter 29 . 11/2/2022
Poor Hermione. No one in this fic does love and respect her. Thank God it’s over that I don’t have to keep reading. Chauvinism always make me sick.
Guest chapter 28 . 11/2/2022
Remus is so disgusting here… what a rubbish
mylittlebakersdozen chapter 29 . 12/21/2021
Hello! I just finished your story and would love it if you took it back up again. Don’t worry, I *completely* understand — I flounced on my own story over 10 years ago! I’ll keep your fic on alerts in case you go back to it (the plot was really getting suspenseful!). I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season and s healthy new year!
Guest chapter 29 . 10/3/2021
Oh God, I am here years after... is it too late to ask for the rest of it?
Saissa chapter 29 . 8/8/2021
This is a great story! Such a pity it has been abandoned. I really would have loved to read more.
Saissa chapter 28 . 8/8/2021
It also really bugged me just how much of a DOORMAT Lupin really was. He was very much a dumbles lackey and doormat and despite supposedly being the smartest of the marauders, he clearly did not display any of those smarts on a regular basis, at not after he finished school.

I used to be a doormat and I hated myself for many years!

Thank good I learnt a secret on how to say NO.
Saissa chapter 21 . 8/8/2021
What you mean - "I came to you first, Mione"

Ron did not come to Mione first! Snape did!

Ron did not do anything because he was too much of a prude!

That prudish part of the wizarding world is sickening. That they refuse to talk about sex or biology! So much like the Victorian world, it is just disgusting.

Having read all the books, seen all the movies and read all the fan fiction that I have - I would never want to join the wizarding world if I was sent a hogwarts letter. There is no way I would want to move to live in an era that is so so backwards from my own technological culture.

It is now clear to me that McGonagall knowingly LIES during every visit she makes to the new students!
Saissa chapter 18 . 8/8/2021
Your rant against wizarding "superiority" is very interesting to read. I agreed with pretty much everythong you said!

That is one reason why I detest Ron Weasley so much. He has that same superior attitude, waves away anything muggle that Hermine should ever mention as being of no importance at all, and has no interest in learning anything new - only what he is told.

Snape is much like Hermione in that he craves new knowledge - so different from the moron (RW).
arickmaniac2020 chapter 29 . 7/16/2021
This has been a great read. I hope you finish it some day and I hope that you are well.
escarlet1 chapter 1 . 6/1/2021
Hello, I hope and you are well. I'm a Harry Potter fan, I see that you have a story that I would like to translate into Spanish from #Snamione, so that more people can enjoy it, I would like your permission to do so. It would be published on Wattpad I would give you your credits obviously. I wait your answer
Bookwormkat1 chapter 17 . 10/14/2020
I love the Stephen Hawking bit
nif-ravenpuff chapter 29 . 7/3/2020
For an unfinished story that emotionally feels like a roller coaster ticking through the cogs on the way to the top but never cresting, this is still a fascinating read! Totally worth it.
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