Reviews for Restitution
Ms.McClue chapter 10 . 2/10/2020
Absolutely amazing. I love this so much, the characterizations, the conflict and parallels. I think this is the first story I favorited before reaching the ending. The quality of writing is such an inspiration, I am so glad I found it.
Green2222 chapter 5 . 9/29/2019
...this wont end well.
prof membrane is gonna do something to his memory, isn't he.
Geimay chapter 10 . 8/26/2019
Demonic Irken chapter 2 . 5/5/2019
Hope Keef will be okay.
Megxolotl chapter 3 . 3/4/2019
Demonic Irken chapter 1 . 2/14/2019
Oh shit, this is so intense!
Falcon's Jade chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
Its been years and I don't know if you even read these reviews anymore (I left the IZ fandom long ago) but this came up as a recommendation and I was reading this nonstop, this is great and so in character!
Convenient Alias chapter 10 . 1/1/2017
Wow, what a messed up fic. I love how you bring Zim and Dib's animosity to the inevitable big boom, but then Dib doesn't know what to do, even worse since a couple days ago he was so sure. Totally believable that Professor Membrane would mess with Dib's brain though, with his whole "my poor insane son" schtick.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/5/2016
This is the best fanfiction I have ever read. The plot and the in-depth character analyzation coupled with wonderful and detailed descriptions made this a REALLY good read. Good job.
qbvitrqm chapter 10 . 10/30/2015
I just read this again, what must be four years or more since the first time (it wasn't that easy to find it. I vaguely remembered the title being one of those "revenge" type words, but there are a few of them - retribution, recrimination, reprisal... anyway. I got it eventually.) I don't know if you still read these but you deserve a review, because this is good. You made something powerful and surprisingly moving out of what is, after all, a pretty silly cartoon. I suppose those of us in the business of reading and writing fanfiction all have a habit of reading deeper into things than most, and quite possibly than was ever intended. This story applies realism to a situation that was only sustainable when viewed through the lens of zany, absurd, gleefully consequence-less comedy. It's scary, and sad, and I find it genuinely upsetting that Zim dies because the little maniac happens to be my favourite character, but I really admire the evocative pull of a story with this much depth and texture. I hope you haven't been forever put off longer works (I know they're hard. Really. Probably my biggest weakness as a writer is handling actual plot, which is kind of fundamental, and a longer story doesn't let you gloss over it.) but either way I hope you keep writing and thank you for this story.
LivingAtSomePointInTime chapter 10 . 3/28/2015
This was an amazing story. It shows perfectly just how much these two have invaded (no pun intended) and ruined each other's lives, and how it has basically driven them to the point of madness. Well done. :)
Invader chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
This is really good and I know it's old but the one thing I felt that needed changing was keef. We only knew he was there because you mentioned his name twice. It felt like he wasn't there and I think he just shouldn't have been included. Other than that fantastic!
The Archiver chapter 10 . 12/7/2013
Poor Dib, Poor Zim. They needed each other so much yet missed it. Dib really did die with Zim.
Maran Zelde chapter 10 . 9/24/2013
Since I've been on an IZ kick recently, I decided to reread this fanfic. It was great to read a few chapters a day as opposed to waiting months or even a year between chapters. Dib's characterization is top-notch: very IC yet with added depth and fresh insight as he gradually remembers his true past. I love his interactions with Zim and Zim's power over him, at least mentally.

In rereading the story I did notice a couple of flaws that I didn't catch the first time around. It seems like nit-picking to point them out, but I will in the interest of writing a balanced and hopefully helpful review.

For example, when I read this line in chapter 7, I found myself thinking, 'electricity doesn't work that way': "Using the projecting surface to push away from the contained energy column, the electricity was free to stretch out into space."

Don't get me wrong, that chapter was EPIC, but I found that line distracting.

Also, Dib's investigation into Membrane's experiments on him never really went anywhere. The only new information he learned was how Zim stole it, but he never learned exactly what his father did to him in the first place, nor did he confront him. I guess we have to assume Dib did do this eventually, but it would have been nice to include it in the epilogue.
Mark chapter 10 . 9/3/2013
What a wild ride!

I loved the details in this piece. The little things like calling it a "skool" and describing the characters' mannerisms that are in the show.

You are a very talented writer and I can't wait to read more of your material! Keep writing, keep writing, keep writing! I love to read, so that makes us a perfect match :)

Your loving Husband, and biggest fan!,
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