Reviews for My Pet chapter 28 . 2/25/2021
Este es el final maravilloso que te dejara el corazon muy contento, el cap 27 es el original que puso la autora. Lo digo por si alguien quiere ver solo el epilogo mas azucarado que el cap 27.
Dalool123 chapter 30 . 6/21/2020
You are an amazing writer.
I am happy I stumbled upon it , even though over a decade old. Still freaking fabulous.
For a whole week every free time I have sometimes I pulled an all nighter ,simply because I couldn't stop thinking about it.
The whole pet twist was incredible.
Loved the diner ending when sesshomaru hugged her all night.
Looooooooooooooooved when he left to Edo the kissing was and transphorming scene, I really can't remember how many times I reread it.
My favorite story about sesshomaru and kagome by far.
Honestly my favorite ending was the one sesshomaru went mad, it me made more sense than the others. Because he acts patient and collected but he is not can't believe he waited 500 years to see her I think he would have brought all mages and wizards and youkies to magically open the well and get her back. Also because how much sesshomaru changed in his nature and convictions ,he would track her and bring her back no matter what.
Alternative ending for the twins and Windsor were puzzling, no way one of the twins will let the other have her not because of envy or hatred but because to twins they share same feeling they can live each other and understand each other's heartache . Would be very difficult for them. Also it was more friend ship than love. And Windsor never in a million yrs I would ship him with kagome.
If you had one alternative ending for inuyasha that would made Fit more , they would comfort each other. Or with kouga, because he was already in love with her and after being rejected by the brothers he would heal her heart .
But after this story I can't ship sesshomaru or kagome with out each other.
Thank you truly for this.
Also thank you for finishing it , a lot of writers here don't finish the stories , it break our hearts because we investe a lot of love and time to read and follow.
Guest chapter 29 . 9/17/2019
I know this is a old story but who did she pick out of the twins
Natsu chapter 4 . 9/7/2019
I know this maybe a old story but I’m curious if kagome is supposed to be this powerful Miko then why not show it every time Sesshomaru hits her or try to touch? If I was here I would have at least gave him a good enough fight
Adonisx chapter 29 . 1/30/2019
so cute!
wish she had ended up with both of them!
Adonisx chapter 27 . 1/30/2019
aw such a cute ending!
The Hotness Of Sesshoumaru chapter 30 . 1/11/2019
OMG x4! I have I don’t know how many of your books on my kindle! I’ve been readying your FanFictions since you wrote them and until I read this authors note I didn’t realize you wrote my favorite books too! Love you for life!
mariselortiz chapter 16 . 9/9/2018
Seshomarus should be able to used tens saga to revived amrante.
mariselortiz chapter 11 . 9/9/2018
My day is better with your stories
mariselortiz chapter 10 . 9/9/2018
You are halarious. I love the funny stories, the way you mixed action with funny .
mariselortiz chapter 8 . 9/9/2018
Really good scene.
Coolfire30 chapter 29 . 7/20/2017
I actually loved his story so much...needless to say I still do...but...SESSHOUMARU SHOULD HAVE KAGOME...but...nevertheless...I is only an alternate ending...thank you
HeartHalloween chapter 11 . 6/24/2017
Wow, what do you have against cross dressers?
LMFAOPikaGirl chapter 10 . 12/26/2016
I absolutely LOVED this chapter! I think my human companions were a bit weirded out that I randomly giggled, but anywaysssss, keep up the good work and update whenever you have the inspiration and effort to do so. Peace~
Rara chapter 30 . 11/30/2016
I think I like 'Of Endings and Epilogues' best but they were all good! Thanks for writing so much!
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