Reviews for Anarkia
azura191 chapter 1 . 10/16/2021
Hi I hope that you're well?
here I am writing to you to know if there is a sequel to certain stories?
kind Anarkia which is great. or not at all.? here you are well. and thank you for writing for us readers. :)
FriendlyFire59 chapter 5 . 9/30/2021
mylife9 chapter 8 . 8/14/2021
such an interesting story! the careful maneuvering of everything is very well done. so interested to see what comes after this new year's eve - how does voldemort react to the attack? what will dumbledore (possibly) due with richards' file? what is julian himself really doing, and when will his plan finally come to fruition.

truly great! thanks for writing and sharing.
ToddGilliss chapter 8 . 6/24/2021
More please
Periain chapter 1 . 6/21/2021
This is THE best and THE most original story I've ever read in any fandom, and I was so bummed when I came to the end. :( I try to continue it in my head, but my version doesn't have your voice. Thank you for sharing this, and I HOPE your writing muse returns.
Mateusz chapter 8 . 6/7/2021
Guest chapter 2 . 5/20/2021
I put up with the vampires from the school but was hoping it wouldn’t continue :/ hate when authors add them because why? What’s the point? Put that in the summary so next time someone who doesn’t want to read about vampires won’t read this garbage
Jdoughten chapter 8 . 5/12/2021
I very much enjoyed this story. I know it is unlikely that you will continue it, but I thought you should know that it is still being read.
Egg chapter 8 . 4/16/2021
Well, reading this 5 years later, i gotta say. God damn what a story. Your writing is simply put, amazing. It builds the suspense, the fighting scenes are excellent. I am enthralled with what Julian is planning. I wish there was more, but i understand how life is. Excellent writing, be proud of this.
omh666 chapter 8 . 3/2/2021
This was actually a really enjoyable read. Even with the small issues in syntax and so on, completely worth, and easy to, over look such issues.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/30/2020
It's been four years I doubt there will be a satisfying conclusion to this amazing tale. To bad...
asighoaighnqllg chapter 8 . 8/28/2020
This is a brilliant read. Sad that it's read though.
rocbabe chapter 8 . 8/16/2020
I just finished re-reading this story. I still love it. There are so many juicy plot lines that I would love to see what happens next.
dilis chapter 1 . 7/30/2020
Ich bin begeistert von der Kraft und der Spannung deiner Geschichten. Jede von ihnen ist etwas anderes und sehr lesenswert. Schade das du nicht mehr weitergeschrieben hast. Habe sie sicherheitshalber auf Beobachtung gesetzt.
therhoda chapter 8 . 6/28/2020
So I found this story s I went through someone else’s favorite thread. I enjoyed the distinct story flow and tone.

I hope that your muse for it comes back someday
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