Reviews for At the edge of the ocean
Monna Sakura chapter 5 . 10/11/2005
Hercat, dear, this is still as fantastic as the first, oh, twenty-five times I've read it, but are you ever going to write anymore? Am I being to impatient? Oh, and I love the dog food. I, personally, have never tried any, but I'll assume it tastes a bit like the cat food I used to snack on when I was six years old. Question, question! Doesn't Kakashi have to summon Pakuun? Or am I just being dense and missed something in the series?
Inarae chapter 5 . 9/26/2005
Very nice! I'm looking forward to more of this
Kunoichi 008 chapter 5 . 9/6/2005
shadow dragonia chapter 5 . 8/6/2005
...I didnt think it was possible...but you've made me love Iruka even more! That was so great, nice job.
GreyLiliy chapter 5 . 8/3/2005
I loved the story work in this chapter. I was hooked from the first line to the last and followed every detail. It's amazing when you can visualize everything from the descriptions. I'm really enjoying your portrayal of Iruka and Kakashi. My favorite moment was Iruka's smile to the guard - it was perfect.
GreyLiliy chapter 4 . 8/3/2005
This was a fun chapter, it's fun watching Iruka get the best of people. Wonderful character development from Iruka's over politeness to his irritation with Kakashi and Ibiki. Good stuff.
Karaii chapter 5 . 7/28/2005
Whoa! Amazing! I love it!

Please, please, please continue it! :D
bgtea chapter 5 . 7/19/2005
I quite like these Iruka fics here especially chapter 5. I can just picture the horrified expression on the guard's face seeing Iruka smile. Hehehehe. Will look forward to reading more of this.
Erixil chapter 5 . 7/17/2005
Omg, so good! I can't wait for more!
ChibiRisu-chan chapter 5 . 7/17/2005
All right! Iruka gets to do some major serious sound-nin-bum-kicking action! Poor guy gets SO underestimated just because he's a chuunin surrounded by born geniuses, but as both he and Rock Lee prove, hard work really DOES get you a hell of a long way. Love.

And poor, POOR Kakashi. Dog food. That's really desperate. (Says someone who HAS eaten dog food - a doggie biscuit more specifically. I'm the only girl for approximately four generations in either direction in my family, which has a LOT of cousins. All of whom are male, at least on the side of the family that lives within, say, 900 miles. It was one of those eight year old "she's a girl" dare things. Had to keep up with the boys somehow (I SO sympathize with Sakura). And yes, dog biscuits are NASTY... poor poor Kakashi...)
dk-joy chapter 5 . 7/17/2005
That was absolutely amazing! Please, please, please keep going and update soon! This chapter was really good and I can't wait for more!
dk-joy chapter 4 . 7/17/2005
Kakashi poking Iruka to get him to smile was really cute! I want to read more! I don't want the next chapter to be the last one for a while!
dk-joy chapter 3 . 7/17/2005
I wonder... oh well. I'll find out later, maybe? I really like this story (in case you couldn't tell). On to the next!
dk-joy chapter 2 . 7/17/2005
Iruka's so sweet! Trying to cheer up the jerk he barely knows (just kidding). Anyway... on to the next chapter!
dk-joy chapter 1 . 7/17/2005
This is awesome! I like the way you write Iruka. I'm gonna go read the next chapter now...
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