Reviews for The Innocence Of Guilt
Lawhai chapter 4 . 9/19
I was 99% sure it was an anagram but I just didn't care enough to actually check. Still nice to get confirmation.
c-wolf chapter 3 . 3/11
I misread it as "dancing lessons from moody". picturing The Wild Wild West movie with Kevin Kline doing a ballet move in a fight
Guest chapter 2 . 2/14
typical theiving goverment false kings of the earth damnned souls swimming in the fires of hell
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14
dumble rentboi fucker arse rapist
perlcat45 chapter 15 . 2/1
Great story!
mumphie chapter 15 . 1/5/2023
Seems like you had a lot of plans for this. After so many years, perhaps you could come back and tighten it up some...a tad less humor and a bit more continuity? I know you set it up as a tongue in cheek sort of story, but jumping about gets tiresome to read.
You have so many great and intriguing ideas that could make a great dramatic story that has humor, instead of a farcical story that is confusing-ish.
I was wondering why Harry didn't use Dobby to get him his 'stuff'. I know he's want his invisibility cloak and his family pictures. Since his friends know he is alive (totally against field craft) they could have dropped them someplace for him. You teased with Mooney, but never brought him back. You never had Harry actually get trained. He is still just a teenager. He should have had intense training and gotten his OWLs and NEWTs under his alias, or a different one. Will he ever be able to be himself? Probably the best bet would be to revert to Peverelle with Pathertrory being his Unspeakable name. I know it's all moot anyway, since you aren't coming back.
FriendlyFire59 chapter 15 . 4/16/2022
This has been a interesting and fun AU Potterverse and I like your characters.
Thing that has always bothered me about the Gringots robbery is did no one think to hire a lawyer to check what was the policy on dark artifacts stored in vaults, after all Gringots raided tombs in Egypt so the Goblins should be aware of soul jars. Maybe they would have gotten a percentage of the confiscated vaults and learned a new way to destroy the things.
qwertyuiop123214685 chapter 15 . 4/1/2022
please update, great story!
qwertyuiop123214685 chapter 3 . 3/31/2022
great story, keep it up!
anahvolf chapter 15 . 8/27/2021
ohh this was great! a lot of fun and engaging characters and story pity it’s discontinued
oh well have a lovely life! you brought me laugh and mirth
LAB1 chapter 15 . 7/24/2021
It has been nearly 11 years since you last updated, so I assume this story has been abandoned. Too bad as it has been very entertaining. I would have liked to see how they infiltrated Gringotts.
Resurrection99 chapter 15 . 6/21/2021
This was dope as hell. RIP
Aidarayyyyy chapter 1 . 6/19/2021
This is so crazy I was literally a newborn when this came out. 2 days old HAHAHA cuz my birthdays on May 25 2005 WOW!
budjul1611975 chapter 1 . 1/30/2021
Section 1?
noylj chapter 9 . 11/18/2020
You know, whoa is a basic command. Woah, as a word, does not exist. Great writing. Crappy grammar and spelling.
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