Reviews for A Good Offense
Arwen Evenstar 241 chapter 29 . 10/19
This was a wonderful time and I enjoyed reading every minute. Your writing is like finding a new Harry Potter novel. Thanks for writing!
SilverMidas chapter 29 . 10/15/2023
Awesome story. I read the two live journal entries and thaught they were awesome too. I would still love it if you came back and finished it one day.
Jesa chapter 29 . 12/3/2021
As always, it's sad to hear an author won't be able to finish a story (which I knew when I started reading), however I wish you well on future endeavors! Thank you for such a great read!
bookygurl3400 chapter 29 . 8/14/2018
I'm so sad! And I couldn't get to the summary of the rest of the story, so is there any chance you could put it here, or put it in a reply or PM or something? I'm reeeeeaaaally curious what's going to happen, and kind of worried what the bad thing approaching is. And what will happen to Draco. And what the paintings in Harry's visions were, and what's up with the mindscapes, and who won the costume guessing contest, and so much more, big and small! So if you could help me figure out how to find the summary, that would be great! And thank you for making it in the first place, because there have been far too many fics that are discontinued without anything to give readers closure, or even letting them know that it IS discontinued, and not just forgotten. Please let me know if you can help, I love this fic (and the one before it, and it's side stories), and have a nice day!
Vanessa Masters chapter 28 . 6/6/2018
Oh, cute scene with Kurama and Daphne. :D

Oh boy, Keiko has some power!
Bluestelue chapter 29 . 4/13/2018
This series is amazing and I am so happy you shared what you wrote! It was a wonderful time reading this, and it's the best Yu Yu Hakusho fic I've read, it was a lot of fun! Thank you so much for all your hard work and thank you again for sharing!
Vanessa Masters chapter 29 . 1/29/2018
Kurama quickly lost him in the flow of the crowd as they descended upon the buffet. Plates of paper-thin china (likely smothered in Unbreakable Charms) sat in half a dozen stacks along the tables, evenly spaced between hors d'oeuvres and sweets, small bite-sized foods all leaping for the plates as soon as children grabbed them.

Kurama ducked a flying shrimp, overbalanced, and stumbled against a Chinese-robed, monkey-tailed Yuusuke. "I see Keiko picked your costume," Kurama said, snickering as he pushed himself upright. "You look positively classical, Monkey King."

"Laugh it up, toga-boy. All I gotta do is eat, sleep, and kick ass." Yuusuke's eyes dropped to Kurama's goat legs, then back up. "What about you?"

"Apparently, I'm meant to drink, sleep around, and be a bad influence on impressionable young boys." Next to him, Hiei snorted.

"Yeah?" Yuusuke's grin widened. "So how many of those are true?"

"Hm, in general or in the past decade?"

Yuusuke laughed and punched him lightly in the shoulder


Lmao and Kurama as satyr, love it! Even Princess Leia Yukina, hansolo kuwabara and Start trek Luna!

Vanessa Masters chapter 26 . 1/21/2018
Masquerade party! :D
Vanessa Masters chapter 25 . 1/21/2018
Cool flying Kuwabara, and Kazuma assures that while Hiei is a stupid shrimp, he's not a bad brother.

When I picture their mindscapes, I have Saturn aka Sandworm Land from the Beetlejuice movie pictured in my mind XD

OH! Harry's passed out!
Vanessa Masters chapter 24 . 1/21/2018
ooooh Twin connection!

LOL Kuwabara, imagining Yukina with wings.
Vanessa Masters chapter 23 . 1/21/2018
So, Harry's good luck, given to him by the twins helped to save Hiei.

Also, it wasn't Kurama, it was Harry, inadvertently, who clue in Kuwabara.

A Yukina blizzard!?
Vanessa Masters chapter 21 . 1/21/2018
Huzzah! Hiei is saved, he 's with his sister, they are truly, and acknowledge siblings now. And Bill gets a strand of Hiei's hair to prank the twins.

And Harry has to learn about his link to Voldemort. All in all, another fine chapter :D
Vanessa Masters chapter 20 . 1/21/2018
Oh that rock was ingenius!

Re-word the curse, like Sleeping Beauty!

FANTASTIC! Your a genius!

"The Rock cannot know that Hiei is Yukina's brother."

And a Rock can't know, it doesn't think! GENIUS!
Vanessa Masters chapter 19 . 1/21/2018
Thank god for bill!

Oh, it's the doctors curse! STUPID WORDING! "Yukina is not to know Hiei is her brother." So she can't know at all!?

BAAAH! That doctor is gonna be wizzing through a straw when I'm done with him, oh, so upsetting!

Pull through Hiei, Yukina needs you as her brother, and you need her!
Vanessa Masters chapter 18 . 1/21/2018
Hiei is dying!?

Oh wow, so..the red thread. Well, that's destiny.

But the truth is out, Yukina KNOW that Hiei is her brother, because of his boggart!

Oh, and Yukina, believing she's found the body of her twin brother, dead, but just a boggart.

But why is Hiei dying!? YIKES!
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