Reviews for A Good Offense
Saravi Boo chapter 26 . 8/18/2010
*hugs* I loved this chapter! I really enjoyed the last scene at breakfast especially. Now, I'll be in terrible suspense about what Yukina (and maybe Kurama as well) will convince Hiei to wear for the Masquerade. I'm imagining Kurama and Hiei fluff tucked safely under cover of costumes. That would make my day. I feel like they've not gotten as much interaction so far in this story but I understand that your perspectives limit the view of what is going on. It's a bold creative choice and it leaves me free to fill the blanks spaces of time with my own ramblings. I'm also very interested in what Voldie is up to...hostages, ne? I wonder if the old snake is trying to kidnap our Tanteis' families. He's in for a nasty shock if he gets a hold of Shizuru, ne? lol. The mental images are enough to make a body have trouble breathing. _ I do hope to see an eventual wrap up for the Shin Go ceremony. I'm sure you have something in mind, Hiei's just being stubborn. ;) I look forward to the next chapter with bated breath!
SuperNova90 chapter 26 . 8/18/2010
Very much enjoyed this one! I love your stories and especially how you write and portray that characters, you do such a lovely job that I could read your fanfiction all day. Where do you get the information on what the plants Kurama uses are for? Do you make it up? If so, good imagination, I love it.

Can't wait for the next chapter :)

~ The Crazi Greek
MutantRancor chapter 26 . 8/18/2010
"Ye olde spelling faelyure." "Grammar is knowing Yoda, yes." Those made me laugh.

Anyway, I'm glad the next chapter is out, and, as always, looking forward to the next one.

LynLin chapter 26 . 8/18/2010
I was so excited when I saw this updated. Thank you so much for writing! I loved this.
Moon Minamino chapter 26 . 8/18/2010
Great as always, but now I'd really love to see a production of Yule be Home. xD
phoenixfirekitsune chapter 26 . 8/18/2010
Looks like everyone is adjusting to being stuck at Hogwarts for the holidays. Snape definitely had an effective way of keeping his House out of trouble. XD The masquerade sounds like it'll be interesting. Update soon please!
Bird chapter 26 . 8/18/2010
I love how you think of these things. You always make sure you have rich details, and your willing to be proud of your difference from cannon hood.
menzognero chapter 25 . 8/18/2010
Yay! An update! Good to see that you're as awesome as ever! 3
RBMIfan chapter 25 . 8/16/2010
Have finally gotten around to reviewing this. I was /so/ excited when I saw that you'd updated. This is really the best YYH crossover I've ever read. I love the details and the sheer amount of effort and research you've obviously put into this. And, of course, the way you write Kurama. And everyone else.

Anyway. I'm looking forward to what happens next. I'm guessing the green moon is Kurama's core magic/life energy, somehow? Possibly because of the Shin Go thing they did last year? I wasn't a big fan of the mindscapes at first, but they're starting to become interesting.

Brilliant idea with the blizzard, by the way. I get the feeling this Christmas break is going to be interesting. Here's hoping for more Neville (I really like what you've done with him here) and/or Hermione scenes. Good luck with writing, and I'm glad things have calmed down somewhat in RL for you.
deitarionSSokolow chapter 25 . 8/10/2010
I'm glad to hear you're working on continuing this. It'd have been a real shame to get to this part and then discover the fic on permanent hiatus.
deitarionSSokolow chapter 19 . 8/10/2010
Beautiful job on the "technobabble" of curse-breaking.
deitarionSSokolow chapter 17 . 8/10/2010
Excellent so far... but as for this chapter specifically, I loved the imagery from Harry's dream. The first half reminded me of an indie game I favor named Aquaria. (Beautiful aquatic platformer)
UpperClassK9 chapter 25 . 8/9/2010
- Kuwabara is startled at the idea that up out because he can fly in his mindscape. The sky isn't a limit for him.

makes sense. Also wish to know the three moons' significance! Guessing something like the Jagan is the green one lol. And maybe the white is his koorime side? Red being the fire demon's side? It's too much to hope that the white and red are Youko and Kurama right. XD
archangel fighter chapter 25 . 8/8/2010
... Update!

This waiting Is killing me!argh! I would find you and tie you to your computer were I able to! FINISH IT! This epicness needs to be completed! Por favor? Please! I beg of you! I might just have to off myself! Ahhh!

I lurffles your stories muchly!
Moth Gypsy chapter 25 . 8/4/2010
ooooh this is getting so exciting~ o uo

i found The Best Defense a few days ago and these two stories have eaten up my time. although, i was rather hoping that Kurama would become a death eater. i'd like to see him playing the servant, only to turn around and kick some srs butt. ummm, oh yeah, i've been basically fantasizing this fic for years- an epic YYH/HP crossover with Kurama as a main character, and just a little shounen ai on the side. SO BASICALLY you've made all my dreams come true.

looking forward to the rest of the story (oh, and how is Dumbledore and staff taking the revelation that at least two of their students are demons? surely they noticed?)
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