Reviews for Masks and Shadows
Adonisx chapter 10 . 3/4/2021
oh dear lord what a story this is! It's crazy to think this was probably one of the first NarutoxHP crossovers! It's great! I love that it's not an isekai for once!
I collect cacti chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
I'm here because the summary was killer
Pointer3109 chapter 7 . 9/19/2018
Its a bit of an old story and I know you're only playing with Hermione, but Neji and Hinata's genetic relationship is basically half siblings. Since their fathers are identical twins and their mothers are almost certainly cousins...hhmm.

They would fit right up in there with the pure bloods, wouldn't they?

Chapter seven, by the way.

Enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 10 . 2/22/2017
update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon update please soon
CloudCarnivore chapter 9 . 11/25/2016
I actually wish the Trio can just get out of their way and let the ninja's do their thing. I want them to stop bothering the ninja's. Still good though. Also, have you ever thought about Neji or Shikamaru telling Dumbledore about how enemy ninja should be taken care of by the good ninja's and just leave it to them? I think that would be a great idea, especially now that assure is there, he has no jurisdiction over what the Shinobi do with him; and because Sasuke is a missing nin, Neji and them should take care of it.
Ciekawa Osoba chapter 1 . 4/27/2016
*blink* either this is link no miko's writing, or you have a handicap when it comes to "current" canon generation...? I will continue this, once I have exhausted the other fics you have here~
lambtastic chapter 10 . 10/27/2015
I feel super bias towards Naruto. I find Harry, Hermione, and Ron really annoying. Especially Harry. He need to take a chill pill and stop being in the way. Is that too harsh? Lol please continue soon!
lumutness chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
funny thing is, the most -well, the only- western-looking of the four is probably know the least English. Talk about ironic.

I realized that both of you wrote this in 2005, and the last chapter updated in 2009, so this might be more AU than you tought. *grimaces* ...Neji is alive, for instance. Not that I'm complaining. In the future chapters, maybe, probably, there will be more things that won't sit well with me, but I'll try my best to look at the silver lining of the cloudy sky. this is AU, anyway.

Hmm, ANBU Naruto is kinda hard to characterize(?), y'know. So many writer wrote about him and none sit well with my liking. I wonder how you two might plan that out. I hope I will like your Naruto. At least, with Hinata here, you practically screamed: NaruHina! *chuckles*

Shikamaru in ANBU is both surprising and not. Well, he seems he type to easily descend into shadow (if you know what I mean), but he's not the type who wants to. Without coercion or something. (...or it's just me remember how scary he can be in this particular other fanfic where he joined ANBU, too.)

I can't promise I'll write a review again for the next (or lastest) chapters, so I write it here. Well, I found this fanfic several times in the past and skipped it several times because the -usually- awkward mail from Dumbledore. turns out you haven't read any xovers. and turns out that it's not as awkward as the others. Nice first chapter, even. Hmm. Just, if I like this story enough, maybe I will review again. maybe.
Noip13 chapter 2 . 4/8/2015
…I really wish Dumbledore making a ninja that only kind of spoke English, had never even heard of Divination, and was actually on a secret ninja a Divination professor was more out of character.
CloudCarnivore chapter 10 . 3/22/2015
Can wait fr te next chapter! _
NeedsAMuteButton chapter 3 . 6/3/2014
This is absolutely BRILLIANT!
yamiduke13 chapter 10 . 5/14/2014
This story has been fantastic so far. I think you have done a awesome job with it and I look forward to more. I love the way you have written the interactions between all the different characters and the conflict of the two different cultures meeting is amazing.
werekat chapter 10 . 4/2/2014
Looking forward to eventual updates :)
juther chapter 10 . 1/30/2014
.-. The golden trio are kinda irritating me with their desire to help- coz I know that it's good itentions, but they're meaning more troubblleeeee
Tinnis chapter 10 . 10/15/2013
Love this story! Hope you haven't abandoned it!
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