Reviews for Blades of Blood
TOSoldtimer chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
Rereading... This fascinating tale is even better the second time round. I'm noticing so many clever details which I missed (or misunderstood the first time). Battousai the sword spirit is wonderful; so are his memories. I'm looking forward to rereading Witchy Wpman too. Thanks!
Silver-Snow-77 chapter 6 . 9/17/2014
The occult enthusiast and martial artist in me were both very pleased with this. You certainly do justice to the supernatural, and to unforced, developing relationships, romantic and platonic alike.
Kyu-Momo chapter 6 . 4/25/2014
UrmixMoonstone chapter 6 . 3/6/2014
Loved the plot. It kept me hooked until the very end.
Kisuminight chapter 6 . 10/19/2013
I can't even find a place to begin, and even thinking about it for a week didn't help. So I'm not even going to try. Still, the bit about Kenshin and Yahiko's parents confused me until I read Witchy Woman. You don't really make it clear whether they're criminals or secret agents for the government.
SpiritoftheOrchidFlower chapter 6 . 8/28/2013
chouberiba chapter 6 . 6/9/2013
This was a great story. I'm amazed. I lack words.. You really know how to tell a story. Sometimes, it's so good it almost hurts! For example:

"Tonight, I dance with Death.

'Tonight, and always. She is ever with us; even if we only smile, and nod as she passes.'

I should be afraid...

'Does the falcon fear when it stoops? We are what we are.'"

It's good. I'm sorry that's all I can say. I lack words. I'm happy there is a sequel! Already started on it and love it as well :) Thank you for writing this.
chouberiba chapter 4 . 5/30/2013
Kenshin with claws?! I love it! Don't ask me why. I also liked how Battosai was a little doubtful over what Kenshin would think of it. "...A shy touch in his soul. 'You said you trusted me...' " It makes me feel as if Battosai really cares about what Kenshin thinks of him, that he doesn't really want to be seen as a monster maybe? I found it kind of sweet in a strange way :)

Those memories of Battosai you throw in now and then are so interesting. I love it when you feel there is a deeper history behind that you don't yet understand fully but clearly has an influence in the present. Makes me want to know more!

I'm glad you decided to keep Sano alive! You do a great job with him here.

I loved how you changed your writing style a little when Battosai fully took over Kenshin, so that Kenshins and Battosais thoughts switched places and Battosais became the primary thoughts so to speak and Kenshins the secondary. It was a smart way to amplify the effect of Battosais takeover. And the fight scene with Jin-e was very cool. It had a good flow to it,.

I must say I don't mind this vampire-ish Kin that Kenshin has become althought I'm glad he's not really a vampire. Because he's not, right? I just liked that he thirsted for blood because it kind of suits the whole "blood-thirsty hitokiri" legend. Aaaand maybe I find this combination of gentle, kind, claw-fingered and blood drinking Kenshin a little attractive ;)
chouberiba chapter 3 . 5/25/2013
Gah, there's so much I want to comment on. Forgive me if my review will be a little jumbled here. I like how you start to realize here that Kenshin is not just any mild mannered New Yorker but that there's something special to him: The way Battosai explains to Kaoru how Kenshins ki is particularly strong and that it was stupid of that werewolf to attack him, and how his ki fits so well with him that Kenshin is starting to transform quicker than what's normal etc. Oh, speaking of that, such a wise way to slink in where that unnaturally red hear comes from!

I loved the part where Kenshin lets Battosai mourn the death of Sanosuke through him. I found it particularly beautiful because even though Kenshin is a little afraid of what Battosai is and can do and wants to get rid of him the sooner the better, he cradled the sword and shared the pain. Because he knew that pain so well and it touched him. And I think it was amazing how you in just a couple of sentences managed to bring out so much story and feelings around the death of Kenshins mother and what that loss meant not only for Kenshin but that partner cop as well. Nicely done.

Ah, the way you described how Battosai and Kenshin became as one was just...wonderful! It was so passionate. Very beautiful. Must read on!
chouberiba chapter 2 . 5/22/2013
Wow, ok. I'm now absolutely convinced you've got something very good going on here. That flashback in the beginning really stirred my curiosity! Not sure I understand everything here but I believe those memories showed Hiko-san. So he was the one to first use a sakabato? That's been enchanted with some magical fang? I'm guessing a dragon? Hmmm...Very interesting! :)

I like how you can materialize something as abstract as what's going on in Kenshins mind between him and Battosai, and the feelings involved. For example, one of my favorites in this chapter: "He was afraid. He was afraid of me...Right now, I'm afraid of me!
'Panic later.' Battousai latched onto his fear and shook it, snarling at panic until it bared its throat in submission. 'Do you want to live? Do you want Yahiko to live?'
Unfamiliar anger rushed into the vacuum. You have to ask? " I really like this. While reading it feels like I'm seeing into two worlds at the same time. One is the abstract space of Kenshins mind together with Battosai and the other is the real world, including everyone else, and running parallel. I've never really read something like this before I think.

Nice to see Kenshin using Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. Order has been restored! haha ;) just kidding. Oh, I must say I'm starting to find this version of Kenshin very likeable and I think this irish-japanese mix was a very good idea! And Kaoru here is also very good. "Air was going to regret being in the same room with her, today." Haha, I thought that was a very nice line that suited well with the Kaoru I have in mind.
chouberiba chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
I love how this all begins, slap-bang in the middle of something crazy going on. It was confusing at first, especially since I have no experience of NightLife, but you managed to keep me readinng on, wanting to know more. Having a Kenshin without the red hair and master swordskills and Yahiko as a brother is indeed different and I'm curious as to where this will be heading. I very much like Sanosuke here. It just feels right.

"The beat of hot droplets changed its angle, a cold draft angling against wet skin as hot water continued to pour through wet hair. Pain bit into bare knees, the rough grid of a mat meant to keep feet from slipping. Water dripped past lips, out of the shower's rhythm, bearing a faint, bitter taste of salt". I just found this way of depicting Kenshins little breakdown in the shower very elegantly put. Just had to mention it :) Love good writing.
misherukuro chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
'salivating hunk of steel' LMHO This fic is really well written and interesting as a whole but man I just had to comment on that line in particular when I got to that part and the way you phrased it... *gasps for breath, holding sides* This is all so blood brilliant *bows* thank you thank you very much for your writing.
philona chapter 6 . 4/24/2013
Read it again and finally noticed all the dragon references!
Just gushing praise here, now... :D
Fenris Jin chapter 6 . 3/11/2013
Oh Kami! I did not know you can put humor in the otherwise stiff politics of governing factions! DuBuccio had me rolling on the floor! XD

The detective part of the story is also very interesting. I usually get bored with names and characters I am not familiar with.. But Eames and Goren really brought me back to my days of watching detective and crime series. It's really a great feeling.

Looks like there's more to the Himura's history than where their bloodline is concerned. A lot more. I'm not sure if you would still brush on it seeing as it's a bit more concerned with Herd rather than Kin.. Or is it?

Anyway, the history about the violet eyed grandfather.. well, that's something that's definitely worth looking into. I wonder when Himura himself would make good on his promise to Battousai about checking the first bearer's history.. I'm sure he'd find some information he himself would be concerned with..

Battousai and Sano's interaction really made me think. It was kind of sad. Although it was rather cute that Sano couldn't take the intensity of the bromance.. XD.. Still the 'my friend is missing' bit really had me in tears.. Oh Sano! T_T

Though really, a few more Kamiya-sensei and Battousai moments and I'd be shipping the rurouni away and back to Ireland! Sorry Kenshin, but I can't help but root for these two.. XD
Fenris Jin chapter 5 . 3/11/2013
Oh Gosh.. It's amusing when Battousai throws a hissy fit at Himura. Those times being when said host forgets to offer background information until the very second they're needed, while said ENO would always be anticipating and reassuring his hosts needs and questions.. XD

Whoa, it's really a whole new world out there. Action scenes were really getting me at the edge of my seat. The Kin types are really cool.

Anyway, it's nice to have some bonding time between the rurouni and the hitokiri, it's rather cute.
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