Reviews for Blades of Blood
WolfishPennings chapter 6 . 3/24/2010
wow is all i can say. please keep writing you truly have a gift for it.
TricksterBoo chapter 6 . 2/16/2010
I'll admit, when I saw this story a while ago, I had doubts, but since I started reading it today, I've discovered it was awesome! I looked and saw that you already have the sequel up, and I'm even more happy! Thanks for writing such a wonderful story.
sarahlilly95 chapter 6 . 1/7/2010
Oh, now if only you would continue, I would be extremely happy. Alas... it's a very good story. VERY good.
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 6 . 9/30/2009
Hey, Banshee's are good spirits...correlated with a bad omen. They mourn those that will die. I guess you could say that's because they kill, but it doesn't explain why they would go after their own families for generations, and only one in every couple of generations. Especially if they need to feed on a fairly regular basis.

Sorry, doing a story about a Banshee myself. ;

I still love the whole idea behind the story, and would love to see more of this. :D
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 4 . 9/30/2009
And there's the Kenshin story, but great little twist. I love the extra details that you like to pay attention to. Very nice, especially for an author.
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 3 . 9/30/2009
You know, you should change the names of the characters, and a few other details, and TOTALLY make this an original. I LOVE it. Absolutely adore just where you're going...just WOW!
dustbowls chapter 6 . 8/4/2009
There are so many layers to a universe you created in only 6 chapters! It's really unique and it doesn't fit comfortably into just "urban fantasy" or "supernatural," because off all the past/historical RK bits you somehow worked into Kenshin's experiences. Great job on building up your own organizations and mythos - sword-spirits, the Target Alpha - without losing the overall flow. Reading this was very enjoyable - your portrayal of Battousai's personality was excellent.
Fantasy's Reflection chapter 6 . 6/16/2009
I was positively enthralled by this story. I'm not very familiar with Rurouni Kenshin, but I still enjoyed it. Now I'm going to read the sequel!
wheresmybook chapter 6 . 4/21/2009
yet again, I've stayed up too late. I've got to start reading your stories earlier- but some, like this fascinating tale of monsters and curses and werewolves and such, are simply so much better in the dark.

All the same, I'll wait till tomorrow to read the sequel.
ShadeHawk chapter 5 . 4/21/2009
"Here she is, finally somewhere someone appreciates her, talks to her, takes her

seriously - and when she tells the Beast she loves him, what does she get? A

prince!" Kaoru rolled her eyes. "Do you have any idea what medieval princes were

like? They were scum!"


"High-handed, aristocratic, inbred idiots," Kaoru said with great relish. "And the

story says he's the one who got cursed. Must've been written by a guy."

This reminds me of "Rose Daughter", a retelling of Beauty and the Beast fairy tale by Robin McKinley... with an alternate ending. Very good book.
Darth Stitch chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
I am kicking myself for NOT having discovered this wonderful ficverse (and it IS a ficverse, make no mistake) that you've created AGES before. Then again, if I had then, I wouldn't be having so much fun with it now.

This rocks... so hard, that I can't even begin to write a coherent review. Hang on. Breathe. Okay.

You have everything I could ask for - kick ass plot that rewrites the hell out of the original RK series and rocks it all the way. A main character who is so incredibly engaging and full of surprises - I adore Kenshin and his alter ego in his original incarnation from Watsuki-sensei but your Kenshin and Battousai are making me fall in love with BOTH of them all over again. I love the interpersonal relationships and the way you've taken care of each and every character, even the OCs.

Yes, I've read Witchy Woman too. And now, I'm addicted. I hope you can continue writing your amazing ficverse.

Oh yeah, I've gotten addicted to your Stargate/Airwolf/Ruroken crossover with the whole youkai/hanyou element in too. I'll just sit here and gibber quietly over the withdrawal symptoms because there isn't anymore yet...

Just a suggestion - would you kindly indicate in your profile the reading order of the various ficverses you're doing? So we happy readers can keep track in which universe where Kenshin and the Battousai are scaring the bejeepers out of the SGC crew and where they're taking down Things That Go Bump In The Night? Thank you!
Aya-Shoru chapter 6 . 11/30/2008
oh this is really really good. Are you writing more?
rurouni dee chapter 6 . 11/6/2008
Great story. Definitely a fresh of breath air compared to the other supernatural fics I've read.
bowlfullofcherries chapter 6 . 10/31/2008
what a riveting story. i read it in one go. that's saying something as your chapters run law-nn-guh. thanks for a... captivating read.
GoldenRat chapter 6 . 8/27/2008
This is such a great crossover. I had to wiki Nightlife, but I thought the Kenshin characters translated very well into this verse.
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