Reviews for Tenebrae
Guest chapter 18 . 1/15/2023
Loved it
Nspired1 chapter 18 . 3/24/2022
Man, I love this story. I probably come back read it annually. Thanks for your hard work. I hope you’re well wherever you are!
icantthinkofagoodnamelol chapter 1 . 4/10/2021
I’ve read this story at least once a year every year for the past decade it seems lol. My absolute favorite story. Your prose is enviable and this is my absolute favorite game by the way. It’s actually odd because when you’re PLAYING the game, Ashley is the most annoying thing on the planet. I’ve shot her on purpose more than a couple of times but when you’re reading it, a beautiful love story emerges and I personally feel like developing the story post game was just the right touch. Thank you so much for writing this! It brings me such joy.
jaxx7 chapter 18 . 7/12/2020
Omg. This was absolutely amazing! I love love love your writing style and your sense of humor is just top notch. This is honestly one of my favorite fanfics I've ever read.

I know it has been years since your wrote this and so you probably might not even read this review but thank you so much for writing this, your story inspired me to write my own.

Anyway I hope you're alright wherever you are and hope you continue writing since I think you're extremely talented.
Nspired1 chapter 1 . 6/12/2020
I just thought you should know I read this story several times a year. It still holds to the test of time. Thank you for writing this. I hope wherever you are you are safe and healthy.
Uzumaki-kun1 chapter 17 . 1/22/2020
aa so cute
Guestie chapter 18 . 3/3/2019
I am so unbelievably glad that you decided to take your time to write and polish this. It definitely has to be one of the most well-written fics I’ve ever seen from 2005-2008. I just feel incredibly goddy and accomplished from reading this in one setting.
The chapters between 12 and 17 felt off, though, it seemed to light hearted compared to the earlier chapters they were in Spain. I don’t know how you’d fix this— and I doubt you’d even want to revisit this fic again— but it’s only a thought I’d like to share.
Anyway, like I said, I enjoyed your story a lot! Thank you for the time you put into making it what it is now!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/15/2018
This chapter was alright, but I had to compare it to those really short previous chapters before it, so there wasn't much to compare.

The changes you made to what happen in this chapter compared to the game didn't need to be. There was no need for star wars references.

As for descriptions, particularly Ashleys looks was dumb. Nitpicking the slight imperfections made Leon look more like a douche, not indearing. It didn't help that he goes to generalize societies imagine of beauty rather than the media's(which would be more accurate) it made him look more dumb, espescially since this should be last thing on his mind during the mission.

You're trying, I can see that, but don't dig holes into your characterization. That makes annoying to read.
eveyssoul chapter 11 . 11/12/2017
Geez, Ashley is too pushy/horny and Leon lovestruck! Lol Somehow I thought it would be the other way around...anyway, hope to get a juicy lemon somewhere.
Serilye chapter 18 . 4/26/2015
The story was nice... It also appears to be the only completed story with this pairing under the "romance" category with this rating. Congratulations!

I will be sharing the link to the story, however I see no need to favourite it, instead of doing that I'll be checking to see what other pieces you've got posted up.

I'll also be checking to see just how active you might possibly be on here and depending on how many of the other stories I like, I just may favourite/follow you (the author) so I can find anything new a little easier...
warfolomei chapter 2 . 7/20/2014
Interesting first chapter. Let's see how it plays out.
Samhain chapter 2 . 7/1/2014
Holyshit. Your prose, it's wonderful. I am jealous of ye skill. ... Now to continue reading this awesome fanfic.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/13/2014
Good conversational dialogue between the two.
IHateSnakes chapter 18 . 11/21/2013
Great story, Caleb. I found the past/present back and forth a little confusing, but I'm dense. And my office smells like bird poo - very distracting.
IHateSnakes chapter 3 . 11/21/2013
Interesting, and well written. I know nothing about RE but I'm enjoying this. ihs
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