Reviews for A Journey of Discovery Book One: Pendulum
Forlong chapter 12 . 2/19/2009
"She's female." hee hee.

That is the only qualification Lando has for a woman he wants. Funny.
Forlong chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
Nice. Mara would neve give Luke the satisfaction of admiting he's right...EVER!
Forlong chapter 1 . 2/19/2009
"His compasion for others will be his undoing."

That didn't work so well for you in the real Star Wars universe, pal.

Like the story. Looking forward to reading the rest.
Barranca chapter 13 . 7/11/2007
Dammit, I felt even more sorry for Vader than usual, he sure got the short end of the stick. Bleh, that's what you get for playing a slave to a sith lord no doubt. Luke and Mara were well written, didn't fail to bring a smile to my face :)
elven-cat2 chapter 13 . 12/11/2006
So many good parts in this story. The best was the slow build up of "trust" between Luke and Mara during their time in the Palace. It is always so funny to see how two very different personalities like them see the world of SW. I was pleasantly surprised how you also captured the relationship with Mara and Leia. The conversation over coffee in the MF was priceless. How you ended the story was bitter-sweet in some ways. I am glad that they are friends and am sure they will be able to progress from that beginning to something better. Now on to Part 2 I guess.
All4thebasilisk chapter 1 . 4/15/2006
Just thought I might tell you, since it seems to give Warsies pleasure: This fic made me a (reluctant) Star Wars fan again. And I'm a Trekkie! Good work...
Jacqueline Roget chapter 13 . 4/5/2006
Wow! Good story! ON to the next one...
Jacqueline Roget chapter 4 . 4/5/2006
cool... so far, so good.
Silindro chapter 13 . 1/12/2006
It's been a very, very long time since I had a long story that took me more than one sitting to read. These kinds of stories are the reasons that I enjoy fanfiction so much. It was seductive and fun and everything that Mara Jade (at least in the fandom) seems to be.

This is a very well-written story and one that I will add to my favorite's list for everyone to enjoy.
Rainchaser chapter 13 . 12/25/2005
I very much like this story! I have to admit, the X-wing pilots are my favourites, but reading about Luke and Mara comes a close second _~

It was very well written - the setting, dialogue and plot. A couple of times I felt that Vader was perhaps being a little too Light-side to be in character, but then again, this is AU after the point where he originally turned back to the Light, so who knows? Either way, it didn't detract from reading it one bit.

I'll have to make a start on the next one - once I've got some sleep. Should have been in bed a couple of hours ago. Oops.
fluff chapter 13 . 11/10/2005

I so lve this story!

And without further adue...

on to book two!
tuathafaerie chapter 1 . 10/19/2005
After reading all three of these stories, I really have to admit it, you've done a fantastic job. It was entertaining, pretty quick paced, and well written, I love what you've done with this plotline. You've portrayed it as if, had George Lucas actually done it differently, this could have been an entirely plausible epic. ;) I loved your sense of humor (even if it was downplayed throughout the fic, albeit indirectly) mostly because my own is just as screwy, and I especially liked the line (in the first of the trilogy, chapter 7) "An old trick, admittedly, but perhaps these two hadn't heard it in awhile." Don't ask me why, but I found it hysterical (maybe reading it at 3 in the morning helped) and I snickered and snorted to myself randomly throughout the next day as I recalled it. Anyway, be proud, I don't usually leave rave reviews like this, nor reviews at all (I'm more of the quiet lurker type, it takes a lot to break through this) but I couldn't just leave this story without at least one. It had its weaker points (I think most of them were already highlighted along the way, so I won't get nitty gritty), but they were far outnumbered by the strong ones and forgiveable for the sheer fun of reading it all. And if you're wondering why I wrote this review back for book one, it's because I liked this installment the best and wanted to do my duty to up the reviews.

Many hopes that you'll keep writing great stuff,

Tuatha :D
LuckyDetective chapter 13 . 9/4/2005
aww I really enjoyed it! read the whole thing in one day. now for book II!
Countess Jackman chapter 13 . 8/31/2005
AWESOME-NESS! I saw the summary for book two and figured i should read book one and OMG! Thank the Force I did! It's freaking spectacular! OMG! I LOVE IT!
The Noble French Fry chapter 13 . 8/17/2005
Wonderful altogether, truly wonderful. It captures Luke and Mara both so well, as well as Han and Leia in the places where they're found. I think that Vader's death scene was a little bit weak, but still good.

And about Vader denying he killed dear Padme (I know you wrote this prior to ROTS) I still think that even though he did it, he would deny after 20 years of wondering that he had killed his wife. Just a thought. :)

And I liked the parts where both Luke and Mara were running their hands through each other's hair while the other slept... One of them should've woken up to that. ;)

Like I said, wonderful altogether. You have a knack for writing about Luke and Mara, and you capture them so well. Off to read Pledge!
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