Reviews for The Birthday Present
Panderle chapter 85 . 9/11
:( so this it is - bye-bye...

Thank you for taking my thoughts away for nearly 3 weeks - was a welcomed holiday from reality and the end was much too soon (ok, my fault, I read to fast :D )

But one thing is sure, this story is one of my few alltime favorits!
Panderle chapter 73 . 9/9
*lol* I have some odd ducks too (I nearly ripped something inside while I howled with laughter, when I opened a box with a bondage duck from my Ex)!
I gave one a with a black academic hat to a nephew of mine for his graduation ceremony (he is Magister Iuris - hm...think its the same like Master of Laws in amercia). I love the crazy ones, but like you said, its sad they only sit on their gummi bottom :)
Panderle chapter 32 . 9/2
fabulous story!
Nonna Zabini?
I had the picture of Sophia Petrillo from Golden Girls in my head, when I read that! :-)
Guest chapter 2 . 8/22
Id like to change the orange for few stones...
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22
nicely done!...only a half chapter needed to left me be with the longing wish to beat Dumbledor with a orangefilled sock till my arm collaps... :-)
Oregonbird chapter 5 . 5/27
Your Dumbledore is the monster I've always seen. He gaslights himself, has no empathy, and sees every contact as an opportunity to f*ck with someone's life - that he hides his manipulations shows he's very aware that he's the fox in the henhouse. Poor Severus.
nineorfour1 chapter 85 . 5/8
I have loved reading this. I love the balance you’ve managed. No one is truly good or evil here. (One might argue over Bella, but you’ve even given Umbridge an excuse.)
Im looking forward to whatever comes next.

whiteandblack157 chapter 1 . 4/24
I just started reading your story. Really like your style of writing. I can not believe that Dumbledore is threatening Severus. How uncool!
candelabra chapter 85 . 3/4
Wow! OK, so I made my way through all of this, and probably much faster than I should have. I'll have to go back and re-read. This is a wonderful story. Very different than any arc for Snape I've ever read. Thank you for writing it!

I do have to admit that I was rushing to the end to see Tom get blown to bits...but maybe later!
Fmvcl chapter 85 . 9/19/2023
Thank you sooooo much !
ontzilore chapter 85 . 7/28/2023
A magnificent and surprising chapter to end the story. The new connection with the trainees is promising, and I'm looking forward to see its results in WW. Severus has become more powerful, as evidenced by the fact that he can conjure Patronus and summon Slytherin's Serpent. I only regret that we have not seen the expected date with Gerta.

We continue on WW!
ontzilore chapter 84 . 7/18/2023
Interesting meeting of Slytherins. This conniving Pansy reminds me of another Parkinson...

I always love this caring Severus concerned about his little ones. Now he's even adopted a Hufflepuff! I wish there had been someone like that for him when he was a kid.

I also liked how he has dealt with the condolence letters issue for Bella and Harry. Now we will see what results.

I hope he has a great time on his Hogsmeade excursion. At least now he has the will to enjoy the rest of his life to the fullest.
ontzilore chapter 83 . 7/8/2023
Excellent chapter. Binns's intervention to prevent Harry from going into a rage to his lesson with Severus was very timely.

It's fair that Harry's gift also consists of good memories. It comes full circle in a way, and helps the Potions Master get to know him better.

I have a feeling that Molly's kisses and concoction have healed Severus not only physically, but emotionally as well. He gets moved all the time and wants to help prepare Christmas! I never expected it from him. I suppose that will be the end of the story, or the beginning of the next one.
Guest chapter 85 . 7/6/2023
wonderful, thank you.
ontzilore chapter 82 . 7/5/2023
I'm glad to see that Severus has recovered so well from his new ordeal, and is enjoying his day. The exchange with Poppy has been special, and I hope it doesn't spoil their friendship at all. It also seems that in the end he is going to become friends with Lupin, amazing!

Now I hope that Harry does not spoil his good mood, although from the title of the next chapter I expect that it is rather the opposite.
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