Reviews for The Birthday Present
etherian chapter 29 . 12/10/2015
He's healing!

This question is for a couple chapters back that I forgot to ask. Winky tossed a rat with a silver hand to Aragog but then Pettigrew was at the Saturday dinner. Am I confused on the timelines? Did Winky's cleaning come after that dinner?
etherian chapter 25 . 12/10/2015
All right... yay for Winky!
etherian chapter 23 . 12/9/2015
I need more kleenex, blast it all...!
etherian chapter 22 . 12/9/2015
I will throw a book at you if Severus dies at the end of this. But, I have to go bury Albus in the backyard, first.

etherian chapter 21 . 12/9/2015
This was a horrible chapter and I do understand the guilt that now finally weighs so heavily upon Albus shoulders. However, I do not feel a bit sorry for him.
etherian chapter 19 . 12/9/2015
I swear when I first read Severus Snape's description in the books I thought he reminded me of Snidely Whiplash. rofl
etherian chapter 18 . 12/9/2015
It is good to see the teachers coming together for Severus but is it soon enough? Will it be enough?

And Fide Mort? Oh gads if that isn't a huge wrench in the works!
etherian chapter 17 . 12/9/2015
Hannibal - brilliant scene but oh so terrible.
etherian chapter 14 . 12/8/2015
I never watch the Olympics but I have seen some of the troubles. I've even seen some of the old newsreel footage when Hitler was alive.

Harry has to realise that the world over, whether Wizarding or Muggle, is violent.

I hope he's beginning to see that Snape isn't as bad as he believes. Even his Uncle Vernon is seeming to be decent.
etherian chapter 13 . 12/8/2015
Ohhhh my heart is sinking. How could Albus do this to Severus? How? Malachite ought to slap some sense into him but I doubt now it would even do anything. Albus is more concerned about Harry than Severus.

This could break him.
etherian chapter 12 . 12/8/2015
Severus touch to Harry's scar is oh so slowly breaking the anger and he's finally thinking. Yay!
etherian chapter 11 . 12/8/2015
Rasputin?! OMG

Finally Albus sees what he's doing to Severus but he's still running away.
etherian chapter 10 . 12/8/2015
Boopsie is from Doonesbury and she would channel Hunk-Ra. It was one of the more entertaining episodes of the comic.

A nightmare hex. Albus is a brick-load of you-know-spit. What's even more appalling is that the old man is reluctant to remove the hex because he wants to rummage around in Severus' mind.

I want to smack him into the mud.

I love Gerta!
etherian chapter 9 . 12/8/2015
Petunia and Vernon were not at all likable but I do like that Severus has been working on Petunia and the solutions are all sliding into place. I like to think that at some point Petunia and Vernon were truly in love but Lily's death and Harry's arrival just threw a wrench into their relationship.

This is probably another situation that Albus never fully reviewed or monitored. He just EXPECTED everything to be all right.
etherian chapter 8 . 12/8/2015
Uh oh. Harry's anger is worrisome...
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