Reviews for The Birthday Present
etherian chapter 7 . 12/8/2015
I feel for Albus and for all that he's taken on his shoulders but he just does not seem to realise - as if he is oblivious to it - what he is doing to Severus. Albus treatment of Severus is beyond willing to sacrifice someone if their death will guarantee the end of evil. The Aztecs who chose certain young people to die a year later as a sacrifice to the gods for a good harvest were treated royally. They were taken care of and everyone was appreciative of the sacrifice the one was making for all.

Severus wants that recognition that he has done the right thing. He wants his good deeds seen as his, and he wants to be thought well of, to be cared for, and even to be loved. He wants that from others but he would dearly love to have all of that from the one person he loves: Albus.

Gads I want to shake Albus!
etherian chapter 6 . 12/7/2015
I want to cry for Severus. I want to hold him close so he knows that there is at least one person who cares how he feels. Man this chapter hurt my heart!
CorruptEnlightenment chapter 85 . 12/7/2015
Finally got around to reading this. It's a long, hard road, and even if it doesn't include a traditional ending, the concept of forgiveness, growth and redemption make up for it. Very lovely. Thank you for your hard work, and for sharing with the rest of us.
etherian chapter 3 . 12/7/2015
I get the creepy crawlies when you write hinting at Lucius Malfoy hurting Snape for his pleasure.

I need a shower.
etherian chapter 2 . 12/7/2015
I am not so certain that excising his memories of Lily will stop his pain. I don't have a good feeling about this.
Guest chapter 85 . 12/7/2015
You know, 85 chapters ago I thought I would never finish this.
Now I want more.
Guest chapter 66 . 11/29/2015
JennieLK chapter 85 . 8/18/2015
Enjoyed your story - hope you are still working on the sequel!
01asdf chapter 85 . 8/18/2015
I just read through this entire epic over the last week or so and I loved it all.

Very professional, with great character development especially, and I really liked how you managed to show the characters growing and changing without whitewashing their flaws, degenerating into bashing or making them into some implausible all-forgiving doormat.

In many ways I found your portrayals more 3 dimensional and rounded than canon, and I look forward to the sequel.

Also, you might want to update your profile since ffnet stripped the links to your original works. Adding spaces and not making them links should help with that.
theimpossiblegrrl chapter 2 . 8/15/2015
Oh wow. I like that assertion that he'd become his father. I actually never thought about his actions that way before. Now I must reread the canon from that perspective.
theimpossiblegrrl chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
"Fly that broom when it's out of the shed" ... I love that. Can't wait to see where it's going, I like stories where Dumbledore has some kind of upper hand over him in some way ...
marthapreston4 chapter 2 . 8/12/2015
wow snape is seriously a whiny little bitch in this
Arei-The Peridot Dragon chapter 85 . 6/18/2015
this is an amazing story. I hope the fact that you have posted a recent story means that we will see Widow's Walk soon.
Dallasanne chapter 85 . 6/7/2015
I guess I should have been forewarned when the very first author's note joked about the story not being a million words long although the author "tried". But it neer occurred to me that ANYONE could write 800,000 words plus and wind up with a story that didn't reach an end of any kind.

Does Snape lie, or die? What happens to the apprentices? To Harry? To Dumbledore? 85 chapters of prose later, we still don't know. And years after this story was completed, there's no sign of the promised sequel.

What a disappointment! This story could have been edited down by half and included all of the releant plot points. It was well written...right up until the author lost interest and allowed it to trail off without a conclusion.

Very disappointing.
smiles2go chapter 85 . 4/22/2015
There's not enough words to explain how wonderful this fic is. I expect i'll be reading it again and again
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