Reviews for The Birthday Present
Arabella Lee Smith chapter 3 . 7/24/2013
Oooh. dark chapter. Ask forgiveness now, Albus. Sometimes tomorrow is too late.
Arabella Lee Smith chapter 2 . 7/24/2013
This looks like it will be a really good story. So nice to see Molly portrayed as a caring person. The hints and pieces of Snape's past are very sad.
Guest chapter 85 . 6/22/2013
Good, I think that to damn good ,
NoxSomnium chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
I haven't nagged you about more story in a long time! How terribly remiss of me. I can only beg forgiveness and strive to do better. Ahem.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase, pretty pretty please with cherry syrup and home made vanilla bean and chocolate swirled ice cream and toasted almonds? If you have not time bribe someone to make it for you? Poke the muses into submission? I can ramble ideas if that helps get ye olde musing juices flowing? I Need more good story! You have no idea how much. Reading pretend bad things happen to pretend people and watching them get better is how I deal with all the crap real people do to each other and the frustration of them frequently not getting better. So. If you could, if you would? We wait. Impatiently if quietly. I would rather have a disappointing story than no story, so don't let that hinder you.
Electronic hugs to you.
Guest chapter 85 . 5/28/2013
great great really great :)
Guest chapter 85 . 5/28/2013
i wish you would write once more this was oe the first fics i found but the lenghth always stop me from reading it but now i can tell it was one of the best i have ever read for some technical problems i cant acsess to my acount so i wish you would write more to tell me what happend in the last i know the most important thing is the way severus changed for beter and people loving him but it would be good to know he livd happy for long woldi -free time . thank you for such good story. and agin ask you to write more :)
Guest chapter 71 . 5/19/2013
your story is reallry really amazing wish you would write more to tell me what happend in the last to let me know our dear severus lived a long and happy life among who loved him bforethe undoubt end! but any way your story was among my top three and i trully wish to read more by you !
Guest chapter 85 . 4/29/2013
885,000 words, 85 chapters. Wow! I enjoyed this story very much. Thank you for writing it.

dianaanne chapter 85 . 4/21/2013
This was such a good story; I really enjoyed it. I so want Severus to survive and have a life.
Simone chapter 85 . 4/16/2013
Hi! I had a great time reading your story, and it really is a great piece of work you shared here. Thank you very much for doing so! HAve a nice week!
merhotepbecca chapter 85 . 4/12/2013
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your story. While the length of it drew me in at first, your writing style and dedication to detail kept me riveted. I hope to see the sequel someday!
Anne Seebaldt chapter 85 . 4/3/2013
Wow. This was extremely creative and I so want Snape to live. And also to see Hermione, Molly and Narcissa work together to improve the standing of women in the wizarding world. Reminds me of the phrase: irresistible force meets immovable object. I hope you do eventually write the sequel to this one! Forgot my password for but my email is .
lastcrazyhorn chapter 2 . 3/31/2013
I still can't believe she would have loved him if she had known how cruel he still was, only not in public any more.

And yet, I think she might have - given your apt analysis of her situation.
lastcrazyhorn chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
I should have done something about the Dursleys years ago, Dumbledore admitted to himself.

Yes! You should have! *stomps foot for emphasis*
myfavor8things chapter 85 . 3/20/2013
I saw your recent review of Resolution! I recognized your name...PLEASE, dear god, tell me you are working on Widow's Walk!
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