Reviews for Familiarity Breeds Content
THE ULTIMATE POTTERHEAD chapter 1 . 6/27/2011
This story consists of 60% awesomeness, 10% wow factor, 20% HA!, and 10% AW! ONE EPIC STORY!
dragongirlG chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
Cute! You manage to capture the characters perfectly, and I can definitely see this happening as a missing moment in the 5th book.
Haunted chapter 1 . 3/27/2006
This story was pretty good.I like stories like ,the best thing about it is the fact that Harry did not end up in the hospital seema like that's how a majority of the fanfictions are going.I don't know up the good writing.
shadowycat chapter 1 . 9/1/2005
This is wonderful. You've captured their voices perfectly. I love that affectionate bickering that Ron and Hermione do, though I couldn't write it nearly as well as you do. Are you going on with this? It's nice as it stands, but it would be a lovely beginning, too. :)
millie-silly chapter 1 . 7/13/2005
hi! I really liked reading your fic, Harry is exactly like I imagine him to be in HBP (three days!).

I also liked the R/Hr-ness, you know, Ron totally not liking the mere mention of Hermione with someone else than himself, you know ;) I like fics like yours much better than the regular "oh I've wanted to kiss you since year three".

Keep writing! You're good!
TouchingDarkness chapter 1 . 7/11/2005
oh dear, those two really are hopeless, aren't they? Nice characterisation.
Elaine M. Lahey chapter 1 . 7/11/2005
This is quite well written and very much in character for the Golden Trio's personalities. Please keep on writing! I like your work very much.